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Page 4 of 4 <br />The City of San Leandro has agreed to make their decision on how the remaining slots will be filled <br />dependant on the neighborhood interest and responses during Phase I construction. <br />To help generate neighborhood awareness and interest, there will be program signs placed in the <br />yards of homes under construction. The signs will read that the home is being sound insulated by <br />the San Leandro Residential Airport Noise Insulation Program and list C. Kell -Smith & Associates' <br />toll-free number as a contact. Inquiries and comments will be tracked and reported to the City. <br />If you have any questions or would like more information, please call me. <br />Regards, <br />Anna Wlasiuk <br />Project Manager <br />Aircraft Noise Insulation Projects • Program Management • Administrative Services <br />