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Table 9a reflects 2007 estimates based on the: 1) revised LMHF targeting formula for seniors, 2) <br />actual new affordable housing units created or approved by the City Council (i.e., Casa Verde, <br />Eden Housing affordable senior apartments); and 3) increased LMHF revenues and revenue <br />projections. Consequently, the maximum LMHF expenditure ($10.2 million vs. $2.4 million) and <br />unit production (105 units vs. 37 units) limits for senior housing increased noticeably between <br />Tables 9 and 9a; while the minimum expenditure and unit production targets for very low and <br />low income units increased slightly. <br />Table 9a above also shows that the Agency's expected production of 50 new affordable seniors <br />units (i.e., Eden Housing affordable senior rental project) with LMHF funds falls well below the <br />maximum limit of 105 senior units. While the Agency has not yet been able to expend LMHF <br />funds to meet the minimum 31 unit low income unit target in Table 9a, the construction of 67 <br />very low income rental units in the Casa Verde project has enabled the Agency to exceed its very <br />low income housing threshold of 57 units. <br />Looking Ahead: Anticipated Activities in the Next Implementation Plan Period <br />Table 10 shows the Agency's forecasted LMHF expenditures in 2004. Table l0a provides an <br />updated version of the City's Ten-Year LMHF Expenditure Plan and reflects higher total annual <br />expenditures except in FY 2004-05. Below is a list of notable changes between Tables 10 and <br />1 Oa. <br />• Total expenditures in Table l0a were lower than projected in Table 10 for FY 2004-05, <br />-while they were higher in FY 2005-06 because the Agency purchased the former Islander <br />Motel (now called Casa Verde). <br />• The higher projected annual expenditures in Table l0a for the Housing Rehabilitation <br />Program beginning in FY 2007-08 were based on ongoing demand. The popularity of the <br />City Housing Rehab Program, which provides loans and grants to low and very low <br />income homeowners through LMHF, is evident based on the increased expenditures for <br />the program between FY 2005-06 through FY 2007-08. Since FY 2004-05, the program <br />has helped 83 lower income homeowners with grants or loans for home improvements. <br />Of the 83 rehab loans and grants awarded through FY 2006-07, forty-four (44) were for <br />senior homeowners. <br />• The City's First Time Homebuyer Loan Program was underutilized from FY 2004-OS <br />through FY 2006-07, but demand increased significantly in FY 2007-08 as a result of the <br />Willows condo conversion development. <br />• Table l0a shows that the Agency has not assisted on any apartment rehabilitation projects <br />because. no opportunities have arisen. However, in 200, the City assisted Allied <br />Housing, Inc., a local nonprofit developer, to acquire the Mission Bell Apartments in the <br />Joint Redevelopment Project Area with fedexal HOME funds. Allied Housing was able to <br />preserve affordability of 20 of the 25 rental units, while converting the remaining five <br />market rate units to affordable very low income units. <br />• "New Development" expenditures in Table l0a represent LMHF expended or allocated <br />to Casa Verde and the Eden Housing affordable senior apartment projects. <br />Mid-Term Review Page 17 <br />