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R ~~ <br />RECORDING REQUESTED BY: <br />'CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. <br />When Recorded Mail To: <br />City Clerk <br />City of San Leandro ~~~~~ <br />835 E. 14`h Street ~~ <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />1y l1~ ~`9 <br />~'~~- , ~y ~~@73~3~~3 11/13;?~~~ Q1:38 P~1 <br />(~FFTCIpL kECORDS C)F ALAI'iFUA COUNTY <br />~'r.~conN`' PARECaRDINGGFEEt ~ <br />ii.~e <br />~~~~~~~~ i~ l~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~ <br />~~ IIi~ It ~~ ~ < < ~ pG <br />~ ~ ~ I~~ I I. I, I <br />This space reserved for recorder's office <br />DECLARATION OF <br />RESTRICTIVE USE COVENANT AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY <br />1350 Estudillo Avenue; APN 079-0123-015-OS <br />We, Grace and Ferdinand Chen, hereby place a restrictive covenant on the property ("Property") <br />described below, which restricts the use of the Property for a specific land use activity. The land <br />use restrictive covenant placed on the Property shall run with the Property and thus impose <br />restrictions on all future owners and tenants unless a Notice of Release is executed and recorded <br />by the City of San Leandro. <br />CONDITIONS OF USE OF STRUCTURES <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits, promises and agreements set out <br />herein, the parties agree as follows: <br />The parties hereto agree that execution of this Declaration by Owner and City entitles <br />owner to add an attached 680.7 square-foot garage and a 184.3 square-foot den and <br />storage area adjacent to the garage, as approved by Building Permit/Plan check No. <br />BLD2007-00106. <br />2. Owner agrees that the existing residence (and the described attached garage), together <br />shall not be used as more than one residential unit with one kitchen at any time; nor shall <br />the garage or adjacent den and storage be converted to an additional bedroom, unless and <br />until it and the property meet all residential requirements for secondary units including <br />but not limited to density (units/acre), parking, setback, access and applicable Building <br />Code provisions and that the garage shall not be used as livable floor area. <br />Owner agrees to allow the city, at any reasonable time and upon reasonable <br />notice, to inspect the premises for compliance with this agreement. <br />The use of said property contrary to these special restrictions shall constitute a violation of the <br />Zoning Code, and no release, modification or elimination of these restrictions shall be valid <br />unless notice thereof is recorded on the Land Records by the Zoning Enforcement Official of the <br />City of San Leandro, except that in the event that the zoning standards are modified so as to be <br />less restrictive and the uses herein restricted are thereby permitted and in conformity with the <br />provisions of the Zoning Code; this document would no longer be in effect and would be null <br />and void. <br />