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Inst 2007392274
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2007392274
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Last modified
12/6/2007 10:47:48 AM
Creation date
12/6/2007 10:47:47 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Agreement to Conditions
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C. The driveway on the Lillian Street frontage shall be closed to correspond with the <br />closing times for the drive-thru lanes: at 11 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday and at 1 <br />a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and shall not be reopened before 5 a.m. The <br />method to secure the driveway shall consist of a chain and removable bollards. <br />D. Except as modified by conditions associated with this approval, all applicable <br />conditions of approval for CU-74-8, and for the subsequent two modifications in <br />1974 for the existing drive-thru and in 1977 for the outdoor play area, shall remain <br />in full effect. <br />E. The noise level emanating from the facility's speaker box shall be limited to 52 <br />decibels (dB) as measured from the site's property line. If complaints are <br />registered regarding noise from the speaker box, the City reserves the right to <br />bring this matter back to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for consideration. <br />F. The applicant shall ensure that each new franchise owner and each new manager <br />be familiar with these conditions of approval. <br />III. LANDSCAPING <br />A. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted for review and approval <br />of the Zoning Enforcement Official and shall include such details as 1) tree size, <br />species and location; 2) shrubs and groundcovers; 3) installation specifications; 4) <br />imgation details. To reduce on-site water consumption and reduce the energy <br />required for the pumping and distribution of water, drought-resistant native species <br />shall be used for site landscaping were possible. <br />B. The landscape plan shall include provisions for addressing the refurbishing of the <br />existing landscape strips between the masonry wall and sidewalks along both the <br />Donna and Lillian Street frontages, including additional irrigation if necessary. <br />C. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the existing landscape strips between the <br />masonry wall and sidewalks along both the Donna and Lillian Street frontages, shall <br />be refurbished by removal of all dead or dying groundcover or shrubs and replanted <br />as necessary. Irrigation for these areas shall be shown to be in good working <br />condition. <br />D. All landscaping shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for <br />the new enclosed play area. <br />E, All landscaping improvements shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition at <br />all times. Dead or dying plants shall be removed and promptly replaced and <br />damaged or non-functioning irrigation shall be promptly repaired. <br />Agreement to Conditions May 17, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00009 Page 4 of 7 <br />
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