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6. Confidential Information. Unless otherwise provided in the Service Documentation, all User Guides and computer <br />programs provided pursuant to this Master Agreement constitute Bank's or its vendor's confidential information <br />("Confidential Information"). Bank or its vendor will remain the sole owner of all such Confidential Information, and <br />Company will not acquire any interest in or rights to it as a result of Company's use of any Service except as set forth <br />in the Service Documentation. Company will maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information and will not <br />disclose (or permit its employees or agents to disclose), copy, transfer, sublicense or otherwise make any of it <br />available to any person or entity, other than its employees who have a need to use the Confidential Information in <br />connection with the applicable Service. Company shall notify Bank immediately if it knows or suspects that there has <br />been any unauthorized disclosure, possession, use or knowledge (each, an "Unauthorized Use") of any Confidential <br />Information, and if it is responsible for the Unauthorized Use, it will, at its expense, promptly take all actions, including <br />without limitation initiating court proceedings to recover possession or prevent further Unauthorized Use of the <br />Confidential Information and obtain redress for any injury caused to Bank as a result of such Unauthorized Use. In <br />addition, except as permitted by applicable law, Company may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, <br />modify, or create derivative works of any computer program provided pursuant to this Master Agreement. <br />7. Third Party Networks; Data Transmission; Use of Required Software. <br />7.1 If Bank determines that any funds transfer or communications network, Internet service provider, or other <br />system(s) it has selected to provide a Service is unavailable, inaccessible or otherwise unsuitable for use by <br />Bank or Company, Bank may, upon notice to Company, suspend or discontinue the affected Service. <br />7.2 If Company transmits data, information or instructions (collectively "Data") to Bank, or requires Bank <br />to deliver Data to Company using a leased line, or Value Added Network ("VAN") or any other third <br />party provider (collectively, "Third Party Provider"), Company agrees that Bank shall have no <br />responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, security or authenticity (collectively "Integrity") of the <br />Data sent through such Third Party Provider, and Company agrees that Bank may rely upon the Data <br />delivered to Bank by the Third Party Provider and that Bank shall have no independent obligation to <br />verify the Integrity of such Data before receiving, or acting upon, any such Data. <br />7.3 If Company transmits data to Bank using a leased line or Value Added Network ("VAN"), Bank strongly <br />recommends that Company secure aback-up means of transmission such as Secure File Transport for use in <br />the event of a communications disruption. <br />7.4 Company shall use and maintain in good working order (and at its own expense) software, hardware and other <br />equipment necessary for Company to use the Service(s) in accordance with the Service Documentation. <br />8. No Representations or Warranties of Bank or Software Vendor. Neither Bank nor any software vendor makes <br />any express or implied representations or warranties with respect to the Services or any software used in connection <br />with the Services including without limitation any warranty as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, <br />other than those expressly set forth in the Service Documentation. <br />9. Liability and Indemnification. <br />9.1 Bank will perform each Service in accordance with reasonable commercial standards applicable to Bank's <br />business; laws, regulations and operating circulars governing the activities of Bank; applicable funds transfer <br />system(s) and clearinghouse rules; and the Service Documentation. <br />9.2 Bank is under no obligation to honor, in whole or in part, any entry, file, batch release, payment order, <br />transaction or instruction (each, an "Order'), which a) exceeds Company's available funds on deposit in an <br />Account with Bank related to the Order, unless otherwise provided in the Service Documentation; b) is not in <br />accordance with the Service Documentation or Bank's applicable policies, procedures or practices as Bank <br />may from time to time establish and make available to Company; c) Bank has reason to believe may not <br />been duly authorized, should not be honored for its or Company's protection, or involves funds subject to a <br />hold, dispute, restriction or legal process that prevents their withdrawal; or d) would possibly result in Bank <br />violating any applicable rule or regulation of any federal or state regulatory authority including without <br />limitation any Federal Reserve risk control program or guidelines such as the limitations on Bank's intra-day <br />net funds position. <br />9.3 Company shall promptly furnish written proof of loss to Bank and notify Bank if it becomes aware of any third <br />party claim related to a Service. Company shall cooperate fully (and at its own expense) with Bank in <br />recovering a loss. If Company is reimbursed by or on behalf of Bank, Bank or its designee will be <br />subrogated to all rights of Company. <br />Master Agreement TM-1450 revised4/2005 Page 2 of 4 <br />