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CitySLUSD Liaison Highlights 2007 1205 v1
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CitySLUSD Liaison Highlights 2007 1205 v1
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12/19/2007 1:23:31 PM
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12/14/2007 2:40:39 PM
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Evaluation of Aquatic Facilities <br />City of San Leandro <br />San Leandro High School <br />Exhibit 23: San Leandro High Pool Deck Tripping Hazards <br />3. The pool finish is worn and delaminating creating possible water leak points and an <br />environment for pathogens to grow in violation of Title 24, Chapter 31B: <br />3106B.2 Finish. The finished pool shell shall be lined with a smooth waterproof <br />interior finish that will withstand repeated brushing, scrubbing, and cleaning procedures. <br />The interior pool ftnish shall completely line the pool to the the lines, coping, or <br />cantilevered deck. <br />3106B.4 Projections and Recessed Areas. The surfaces of the pool shall not have <br />any projections or recessed areas except for.• handholds, recessed treads, steps, ladders, <br />stairs, pool inlets and outlets, skimmers, and perimeter overflow systems. <br />The existing pool finish should be removed and a new pool finish installed. The pool <br />return fittings and drain grates should be replaced and upgraded as noted at the same <br />time. (SEE EXHIBIT 24) <br />(Estimated Cost $85,000.00) <br />4. Wall inlets only are provided within the pool which exceeds 40'-0" in width. Violation <br />of Title 24, Chapter 31B: <br />3134B5.2 Location. Inlet fittings shall be located greater than 18 inches (457 mm) <br />below the water line, except for a spa pool or wading pool. One floor inlet shall be <br />provided for each 10, 000 gallons (37, 850 L) of pool capacity for a pool, which exceeds <br />40 feet (12,192 mm) in width. Inlet fittings shall be separated by at least 10 feet (3, 048 <br />mm) and shall be located to ensure uniform circulation. <br />3134B5.3 Adjustment. Provisions shall be made for adjusting the volume of flow <br />through each inlet. Wall inlets shall be capable of adjusting the direction of flow and to <br />November 2001 Aquatic Design Group, Inc. <br />
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