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MINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meering-December 3, 2007 <br />to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names <br />and addresses obtained. <br />None. <br />4. PUBLIC HEARINGS-JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />A. Matter of Approval of the Mid-Term Review of the San Leandro Redevelopment <br />Agency 2004-2009 Implementation Plan (reviews the specific goals and objectives for <br />the Plaza Project Area, the Alameda County-City of San Leandro (Joint) Project Area, <br />and the West San Leandro-MacArthur Boulevard Project Area, as required by Section <br />33490 of the California Health and Safety Code). <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City <br />Manager/Executive Director Jermanis provided background on the matter and <br />introduced Assistant to the City Manager Cynthia Battenberg. Ms. Battenberg gave a <br />PowerPoint presentation describing the legal requirement for the Redevelopment <br />Agency Implementation Plan and the midterm review; providing information on tax <br />increment and tax increment financing; and describing the goals and objectives of the <br />three Redevelopment project areas: the Plaza project area, Joint project area, and <br />West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard project area. Ms. Battenberg then turned <br />the presentation over to Housing/CDBG Manager Tom Liao, who described the low- <br />to moderate-income housing requirements of the Implementation Plan, and elaborated <br />on the highlights of, and changes to, the Plan. <br />Staff responded to questions from the Council. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on <br />tax increment and blight. Mr. Filipovich commented that the City is misusing its tax <br />increment. He asked how much debt the RDA has and how it is being repaid. <br />There being no further comments from the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br />Councilmember Starosciak acknowledged that objectives have been added to the Plan <br />which address roadway infrastructure and undergrounding of utilities. She commented <br />on the importance of these additions from the Council's perspective in improving the <br />City's roads and streets and in alleviating blight. <br />Mayor Santos agreed with Councilmember Starosciak's continents and stated that he <br />would like to see more undergrounding of utilities, especially at school sites. <br />Councilmember Souza thanked staff for providing an informative presentation. <br />Councilmember Souza commented that while she feels the LINKS shuttle operation is a <br />