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MO 2007-083
City Clerk
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Minute Orders
MO 2007-083
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12/26/2007 9:55:17 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
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GCOSE RESFARCI7 <br />G?'Jo ins€ M <br />December 6, 2007 <br />TO: Cynthia Battenberg, Assistant to the City Manager, City of San Leandro <br />FROM: Bryan Godbe, M.A., President <br />Amelia Caine, Ph.D., Senior Research Manager <br />RE: City of San Leandro Revenue Measure Feasibility Survey <br />Godbe Research is pleased to present the summary results of a survey conducted for the City of San <br />Leandro. A total of 400 voters who reside in San Leandro participated in the study, and telephone interviews <br />took place from November 7 to November 11, 2007. The margin of error for this survey is plus or minus 4.9 <br />percent. <br />A majority of voters are aware of the boat harbor, however, it is among the relatively least used features of <br />the Shoreline Recreation Area by voter households. <br />■ Approximately 87 percent of voters are aware that the Marina has a boat harbor, and 59 percent are <br />aware of the need to dredge the boat harbor and a two-mile channel leading to the central bay. <br />■ Although voters widely know about the boat harbor, only 12 percent of voter households have used <br />the harbor within the past 12 months and only 7 percent have used the boat launch ramp. <br />■ The features with the relatively highest use by voter households are the restaurants (74%)-, Shoreline <br />trails, walking paths, and parcourse (71 %); and the play areas and picnic facilities (54%). <br />Overall, keeping the boat harbor open and maintained is a relatively low priority for San Leandro voters: <br />■ When asked to name the most important issue facing San Leandro, the voters surveyed most <br />frequently mentioned public schools and education (21 %), growth and development (15%), and public <br />safety (14%). In contrast, the boat harbor was mentioned by just 2 percent of voters. <br />■ When read a list of 10 issues, voters rated reducing crime, improving the quality of public education, <br />and maintaining streets and roads as the relatively most important. In contrast, the boat harbor was <br />rated as the relatively least important issue. <br />The results indicate that the City of San Leandro should not move forward with placing a parcel tax measure <br />on the ballot to fund keeping the boat harbor open and maintained. <br />■ Without any mention of the funding source, 75 percent of voters support a plan to keep the boat <br />harbor open and maintained. <br />■ However, support for the spending of City funds to keep the boat harbor open and maintained is <br />significantly lower, at 68 percent. <br />• Finally, only 49 percent of voters support a $60 parcel tax measure to fund the dredging and <br />maintenance of the boat harbor. <br />■ Although a majority of voters support a plan to keep the boat harbor open and maintained, there is not <br />sufficient voter support to fund this plan with a tax increase. <br />)•,k,e5.s,rt,ir. eG. ..K; ;;. .t, `,? r, .. .'.? .n5,1.r '. i -°..'1". )3; <br />
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