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City of San Leandro <br />SSMP Plan Development and Schedule <br />• An up-to-date map of the sanitary sewer system, showing all gravity line segments and <br />manholes, pumping facilities, pressure pipes and valves, and applicable storm-water <br />conveyance facilities; <br />• Describe routine preventive operation and maintenance activities by staff and <br />contractors, including a system for scheduling regular maintenance and cleaning of the <br />sanitary sewer system with more frequent cleaning and maintenance targeted at known <br />problem areas. The Preventative Maintenance (PM) program should have a system to <br />document scheduled and conducted activities, such as work orders; (ICOM3) <br />• Develop a rehabilitation and replacement plan to identify and prioritize system <br />deficiencies and implement short-term and long-term rehabilitation actions to address <br />each deficiency. <br />The program should include regular visual and TV inspections of manholes and sewer <br />pipes, and a system for ranking the condition of sewer pipes and scheduling <br />rehabilitation. <br />Rehabilitation and replacement should focus on sewer pipes that are at risk of collapse <br />or prone to more frequent blockages due to pipe defects. <br />Finally, the rehabilitation and replacement plan should include a capital improvement <br />plan that addresses proper management and protection of the infrastructure assets. <br />The plan shall include a time schedule for implementing the short- and long-term plans <br />plus a schedule for developing the funds needed for the capital improvement plan; <br />• Provide training on a regular basis for staff in sanitary sewer system operations and <br />maintenance, and require contractors to be appropriately trained; and <br />• Provide equipment and replacement part inventories, including identification of critical <br />replacement parts. <br />City's Plan: <br />The City has implemented programs that address all of the elements referenced in the SSMP <br />requirements. They will be updated as necessary in our final O&M program description and <br />compliance summary in our final SSMP. <br />The sewer-mapping component is complete and being managed by our Information Systems <br />Department. The City maintains a GIS mapping interface to the sewer collection system. The <br />City of San Leandro currently has an ongoing preventative and corrective maintenance <br />program. We will describe our PM program in detail in this section of the final SSMP, including <br />the CIP plan, budget, and time schedules, as necessary. <br />We will describe elements of the CCTV and visual inspection program in this section of the final <br />SSMP. We will describe our training program in detail in this section of the SSMP. The City also <br />provides ongoing in-house technical and safety training for its staff. <br />The City currently has a completed inventory of our collection system assets and maintains <br />them in the ICOM3 maintenance management system (CMMS) linked to a GIS map. <br />Preventative maintenance is planned and scheduled for routine maintenance activities <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />