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City of San Leandro <br />SSMP Plan Development and Schedule <br />including cleaning, CCTV and visual inspections. Work orders are issued tracked and reported <br />on a monthly basis. Corrective maintenance is similarly conducted, primarily on an unscheduled <br />basis which includes service call responses, SSO and backup responses, and emergency repairs. <br />The City plans to extend the productive applications of our CMMS and related systems to <br />enhance our Predictive Maintenance Programs. We will continue our CCTV inspections for <br />assessing pipe conditions, defect identification, and criticality rating, detailed inspections of <br />deteriorated areas prior to repair/rehab/replacements. In addition to our detailed asset <br />inventory of our Wastewater Collection systems, we will include equipment and replacement <br />parts, including our critical replacement parts, to be contained in our asset register, which is <br />maintained as part of our ICOM3 maintenance management program. We will discuss this in <br />more detail in this section of the final SSMP. <br />V DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION, STANDARDS ELEMENT <br />Maintain Design and Construction Standards and specifications for <br />• the installation of new sanitary sewer systems, pump stations and other appurtenances; <br />and for the rehabilitation and repair of existing sanitary sewer systems; and <br />• Procedures and standards for inspecting and testing the installation of new sewers, <br />pumps, and other structures. <br />City's Plan: <br />The City currently has design standards and guidelines and is also working to evaluate the <br />collection system to provide adequate capacity. We have recently evaluated the collection <br />system capacity as conducted by a consulting firm. The City's capital improvement program <br />includes older gravity and pumping facilities to be upgraded in order to obtain adequate <br />capacity through the system. These programs and their schedules will be described more <br />extensively in the appropriate sections of our revised SSMP. <br />We will formally address items covered in Section (VIII) in our System Evaluation and Capacity <br />Assurance plan. We already work under annual and long-range plans as established by previous <br />studies. All items covered in Section (VII) are part of our current plan in some manner. The City <br />currently maintains standard drawings and specification for Design and Construction Standards. <br />We plan to review and update them at least every three years, with updates made as required <br />for new construction projects. <br />VI OVERFLOW RESPONSE ELEMENT <br />The City shall develop and implement an overflow emergency response plan that identifies <br />measures to protect public health and the environment. At a minimum, this plan must include <br />the following: <br />• Proper notification procedures so that the primary responders and regulatory agencies <br />are informed of all SSOs in a timely manner; <br />• A Program to ensure an appropriate response to all overflows; <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />