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Reso 2007-156
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2007-156
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12/26/2007 10:07:47 AM
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12/26/2007 10:07:14 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Exhibit E - <br />San Leandro Transportation Management Organization <br />Duties of the Executive Director <br />Fiscal Year 2007-2008 <br />A. Development and maintenance of an aggressive marketing strategy for the LINKS <br />Shuttle program, including marketing calls to educate the business community about <br />the service, provide marketing materials (i.e. schedules) and increase ridership. <br />B. Management of day to day operations of the program and provide, a means for the <br />public to communicate with the SUMO. Serve as a liaison with Shuttle riders and <br />respond to inquiries as necessary to insure high-quality service delivery. <br />C. Oversee all aspects of contract compliance with contracted service vendors and <br />providers, including but not limited to the services of a transportation services <br />provider, including regularly scheduled meetings with the service provider to review <br />service levels and monitoring contractual obligations. <br />D. Serve as the program liaison to the SUMO, the City of San Leandro (the "City"), the <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency and various granting agencies such as the <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Bay Area Air Quality Management <br />District. <br />E. Coordinate the financial reporting of the SUMO in cooperation with the City of San <br />Leandro Finance Department. Actively participate in all fnancial reporting <br />obligations of the SUMO. Prepare and submit appropriate financial documentation <br />in a manner consistent with timely payment of invoices. <br />F. Oversee the preparation of an annual ridership survey in compliance with granting <br />agency requirements and work with the City to insure that all necessary <br />documentation is submitted to each granting agency in a timely manner. <br />G. Conduct on-board monitoring of the shuttle service to ensure consistent customer <br />service, route compliance and overall rider satisfaction. In cooperation with the <br />service provider, prepare detailed monthly ridership reports for review by the SUMO <br />and the City. <br />H. Arrange, organize, staff and document monthly meetings of the SUMO Board of <br />Directors and the Executive Committee of the Board. Prepare all meeting agendas and <br />summaries to the SUMO Board for approval. Maintain all business records, <br />ridership reports, contracts, meeting minutes, invoices, etc. <br />Prepare a monthly report on Shuttle operations as directed by the SUMO. Create and <br />distribute an Annual Report to the City and granting agencies and participate in the <br />
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