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Reso 2007-156
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2007-156
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12/26/2007 10:07:47 AM
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12/26/2007 10:07:14 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2007-08 <br />4. The Executive Director shall aggressively pursue grants for the shuttle program to <br />reduce the funding obligation of the business community and the San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Agency. Specifically, the Executive Director shall submit applications <br />to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District (BAAQMD), and all other pertinent granting agencies as grant <br />opportunities are announced. Additionally, the Executive Director shall explore the <br />pros and cons of LINKS becoming a becoming a public transit agency as well as the <br />administrative requirements associated with applying for and receiving other state <br />and/or federal subsidies for operation of the program. <br />5. As a cost savings measure, the Advisory Board recommends that the LINKS Rider and <br />Employer Survey be conducted once every two years as opposed to annually. <br />Additionally, the Advisory Board recommends that questions to be incorporated in <br />upcoming surveys shall address topics including, the expansion and/or creation of <br />alternative LINKS routes in West San Leandro and other parts of the City, the <br />expansion of daily LINKS service hours, and the number of BID-area employees that <br />ride the LINKS. Prior surveys have determined that approximately 70% of LINKS <br />riders are from assessed-businesses with the BID boundaries. It is recommended that a <br />continued objective of future surveys be to ascertain the approximate number of <br />LINKS riders who are employed at BID area businesses. <br />6. The Executive Director shall continue to seek out partnerships with community service <br />providers and other entities in the community (i.e. the Davis Street Family Resource <br />Center and the San Leandro Boys and Girls Club) to provide transportation services to <br />these entities as a community benefit and to provide a specialized service to these <br />entities to generate a potential revenue source for operation of the LINKS program. <br />LINKS Shuttle Program History <br />In 2001, in response to a shortage of public transportation in San Leandro and an expressed <br />desire for adequate public transportation by the West San Leandro business community, the <br />Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro partnered with the Chamber of Commerce <br />and the San Leandro Industrial Roundtable to provide a shuttle service, known locally as the <br />LINKS. The primary purpose of the LINKS is to provide free transportation for employees to <br />the industrial area of western San Leandro. The San Leandro Transportation Management <br />Organization, a 501 C (3) non-profit corporation, was formed to handle the day-to-day <br />operations and to provide operational oversight of the LINKS. <br />The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro, matched by a Low Income Flexible <br />Transportation (LIFT) Grant from the MTC, provided initial start-up funds for atwo-year trial <br />period to assess the viability of the program. Additionally, the City received a grant from the <br />BAAQMD to provide additional funding for the LINKS. Over the two-year trial period, there <br />was a steady increase in ridership for the LINKS, and the program proved to be a benefit to the <br />community. <br />__ _.._ <br />2~Page <br />
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