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Reso 2007-156
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2007-156
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12/26/2007 10:07:47 AM
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12/26/2007 10:07:14 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2007-08 <br />Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2006-07 were approximately $23,000 (6.4%) less than the adopted <br />budget. The unanticipated decrease in program costs can be attributed to the decreasing <br />operation costs of MV Transportation services as a result of the use of diesel shuttles which are <br />more cost effective than CNG shuttles. Additional cost savings measures and a budget surplus <br />were realized by 1) the continuation of the Executive Director of the SUMO being paid as a <br />contracted consultant rather than a paid employee, 2) the majority of LINKS marketing and <br />advertising being paid for with consulting fees as a result of the extensive marketing efforts <br />conducted in conjunction with the annual LINKS Rider and Employer Survey, 3) the <br />continuation of financial accounting for LINKS being administered by the City's Finance <br />Department, and 4) the revenue generated as a result of the Boys and Girls Club shuttle program <br />which is administered by the SUMO. <br />2007-08 Proposed Budget <br />There are several major changes to the LINKS budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08. First, the <br />proposed expenditure budget for Fiscal Year 2007-08 includes an approximate 4% increase over <br />the proposed budget for 2006-07. This increased cost is a direct result of the anticipated increase <br />in the costs associated with an expanded marketing and advertising program for 2007-08 and the <br />expenditures associated with the operation of the Boys and Girls Club shuttle. Additionally, the <br />following is a narrative of other budgeted items for FY 2007-08: <br />First, as a result of the 2005-06 BID Advisory Board recommendation, and the continued <br />sentiments of the 2006-07Advisory Board, the SUMO will continue to contract with its <br />employees. Starting in January 2006, the Executive Director of the SUMO was paid as a <br />consultant and the SUMO no longer directly hired staff to operate the shuttle. This arrangement <br />will continue throughout 2007-08 and this cost savings measure will continue to be employed <br />throughout the entire fiscal year. As a result, approximately $15,000 in programmatic savings <br />will continue to be realized. <br />Second, the City of San Leandro will continue to provide accounting services for the LINKS. In <br />prior years, accounting work for the LINKS was provided by the Executive Director, a contract <br />accountant, and a CPA firm. All accounting functions continue to be provided by the City of <br />San Leandro Finance Department. <br />Third, LINKS was not successful in securing a BAAQMD grant for calendar year 2008. <br />Therefore, there will be no funding from BAAQMD for LINKS in 2008. Additionally, the grant <br />from MTC expired in June, 2007 and was not eligible for renewal. Therefore, no MTC grant <br />funding will be available in 2008. As a result, the Redevelopment Agency will continue to <br />provide gap funding to compensate for the budgetary gap left by the termination of BAAQMD <br />and MTC funding. For Fiscal Year 2007-08, the Redevelopment Agency of San Leandro will <br />provide the shuttle with up to $200,000 in funding on an as-needed basis. <br />Fourth, as a result of compliance standards regulated by the California Air Resources Board, <br />shuttle operation costs for LINKS may slightly increase as of January 1, 2008. If these <br />operations costs exceed the proposed budget and encumbers all funds budgeted by the <br />Redevelopment Agency, there may be a gap in needed revenue to operate the program. Such an <br />7~Page <br />
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