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MINUTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-December 17, 2007 <br />Mr. Godbe and Ms. Caine responded to questions from the Council. <br />Councilmember Starosciak remarked that the survey revealed low usage of the golf <br />course, yet the facility is privately run and provides a great deal of revenue for the City. <br />She pointed out that a privately run enterprise can be successful, even though it has low <br />usage by voters. <br />Bo Johansen, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on the <br />Godbe Survey. Mr. Johansen expressed concern that too few residents were surveyed, <br />and he expressed concern regarding the way in which the questions may have been <br />posed. Mr. Johansen suggested ways the survey could be improved and suggested that a <br />broader survey be performed. <br />Audrey Albers, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that <br />she has not encountered anyone who participated in the survey, and that residents of <br />Mulford Gardens, Marina Gardens and Marina Faire should have been contacted. Ms. <br />Albers stated that she questioned the cost estimate for dredging the Marina. Ms. Albers <br />commented that she has no confidence in the results of the survey. <br />Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, expressing <br />agreement with the previous speakers. Mr. Filipovich requested the cost of the survey <br />and quoted from a document, which he wrote in 1997. <br />Mr. Jermanis responded to the comments made by the public with regard to the method <br />used for performing the survey. He indicated that the data provided by Godbe and <br />Associates is purely informational and will not be acted on tonight. Mr. Jermanis <br />commented that the results of the survey are statistically valid and are a good indication <br />of how voters would respond to issues on the ballot. He suggested that the survey <br />results could be placed on the City's website for the public's review and comments. In <br />response to Mr. Filipovich's question, Mr. Jermanis stated that the cost of the survey <br />was $19,000. <br />Mr. Godbe commented that telephone interviewing remains the state-of-the-art in <br />survey research, due to the ability to manage the sample and to ensure it is <br />representative. He commented that his firm uses a "stratified cluster sample" to <br />distribute the survey both demographically and geographically. <br />Councilmember Prola asked whether there were any major differences in responses <br />between the City Council districts. Ms. Caine stated that a regional breakdown can be <br />provided. <br />• Minute Order No. 2007-083, Motion Accepting the Revenue Measure Feasibility <br />Survey Report by Godbe Research. (3127) <br />The City Council accepted the Revenue Measure Feasibility Survey Report <br />by Godbe Research. <br />