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Company in July 2007, with the ultimate goal of entering into a Disposition and Development <br />Agreement (DDA) to facilitate the development of the Washington Parcel and the Parrott Parcel. <br />Analysis <br />In order to lay the groundwork for a single sale of the Washington Parcel and the Parrott Parcel, <br />staff recommends consolidating ownership of these parcels with the Agency. Payment to the <br />City for the Parrott Parcel will be done in conjunction with the Agency sale of both properties. <br />The City will be paid a square foot value which may reflect demolition costs. The cost of <br />conveyance and transfer taxes, recording fees and other miscellaneous fees associated with the <br />transfer of property will be split 50/50 between the City and the Agency. <br />Current City CounciURedevelopment Agency Policy N/A <br />Previous City CounciURedevelopment Agency Action(s) N/A <br />City CounciURedevelopment Agency Committee Review and Action <br />The Business and Housing Development Committee at their July 12, 2007 meeting, approved an <br />exclusive negotiation period with the John Benjamin Company via the signing of a letter of <br />intent to negotiate, with the ultimate goal of entering into a Disposition and Development <br />Agreement to facilitate development of the properties located at 1595 Washington Avenue and <br />268 Parrott Street. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The Planning Commission made a finding of conformity with the General Plan for the transfer of <br />268 Parrott Street to the Redevelopment Agency on October 11, 2007. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted N/A <br />Environmental Review <br />This action is not a project under CEQA (Section 15061) and therefore does not require <br />environmental review. <br />Code Compliance Review N/A <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />The Alameda County-City of San Leandro Joint Redevelopment Project Area Redevelopment <br />Advisory Committee (RAC) reviewed and approved this item at their meeting of September 19, <br />2007. <br />Summary Of Public Outreach Efforts N/A <br />Fiscal Impact <br />This action has an undetermined minor cost for staff time. No funds will be exchanged at this <br />time; however, if and when the properties are sold to private parties, the City and Agency will <br />share the sales proceeds, in accordance with the attached agreement. <br />Budget Authority N/A <br />