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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2007 1212
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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2007 1212
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1/15/2008 1:33:28 PM
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1/15/2008 1:33:14 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2008 0107
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improvement project by tying it into the HOV project. The City is working on the Kaiser <br />and ACCMA agreements right now to facilitate the improvements. <br />Keith continued with a review of San Leandro's potential projects in the Central County <br />freeway Local Alternative Transportation Improvement Program (LATIP) and a <br />discussion ensued regarding the public's anticipated response to an alternative that <br />included the acquisition of properties on Laura Avenue and Warden Avenue that would <br />facilitate the Davis Street interchange. Mayor Santos expressed concern that the public <br />would respond in a manner similar to the way the residents of Timothy Drive responded <br />to the project in their neighborhood. Mayor Santos suggests that Engineering & <br />Transportation prepare additional alternative ideas to take to the public. Uche Udemezue <br />explained that the reason property acquisition is a viable option is that it is a <br />comprehensive solution that would allow for a pedestrian bridge and a park. The Mayor <br />said that even though we do not currently have the money to carry out our plans, we have <br />to keep the public apprised of these discussions. John Jermains says that if we bring it to <br />the public and they do not want it, then we have to cancel it. Councilmember Souza <br />suggested that the City's first step should be going door-to-door and establishing personal <br />contact with the residents of Laura Avenue. Councilmember Souza asked if we would <br />leave the area open with no wall. Keith explained that the wall will be moved back 20 <br />feet. <br />Discussion advanced to the Washington Avenue project and the I-880Beatrice project. <br />The Washington Avenue project includes improvements to I-238 and the ramp. The <br />right-of--way needs are inconsequential for this project, and only require moving the fence <br />a couple of feet. The I-880/Beatrice project is partially funded by the Alameda County <br />Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) and Greenhouse Marketplace. This <br />project entails improving the Fargo/Washington intersection and the Washington ramp. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked if we will be building in pedestrian access. Keith <br />answered yes. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Local Alternative Transportation Improvement Program <br />(LATIP) <br />Keith Cooke continued his PowerPoint presentation and discussion of the Central County <br />LATIP funds that have become available. The Central County area encompasses San <br />Leandro, Hayward, and the unincorporated areas of Alameda County. The LATIP is <br />required to determine how funds freed up from the I-238 Hayward Bypass will be used. <br />The City intends to use the funds as effectively as possible. With regard to the HOV <br />project, the City would like to be efficient and realize cost savings. Keith again <br />mentioned that the HOV lane is a challenge due to the time frame in which the funds will <br />become available. We need to find a way to forward funds to ACCMA. Kaiser must see <br />the benefit of tying the two projects together to speed up the process. We are working on <br />these agreements (Kaiser and ACCMA) right now. <br />
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