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16. Offices, Business and Professional: <br />a. Ground floor office limited to 15 percent of block frontage facing East 14th Street. <br />b. Office uses allowed on upper floors. <br />c. Single use office buildings allowed on parcels not fronting on East 14th Street or <br />Washington Avenue. <br />17. Pharmacies. (Single tenants 10,000 s.f, in size or less only.) <br />18. Pre-Existing Two-Family Residential. (These residential uses shall be allowed to <br />remain and shall not be considered non-conforming, but no new TwaFamily <br />Residential uses shall be established.) <br />19. Residential Uses Without Mixed Use Component allowed on Parcels Not Fronting on <br />East 14th Street or Washington Avenue Comdors. <br />20. Restaurants, Full-Service. <br />21. Retail Sales. (Single tenants, 10,000 s.f. in size or less only.) <br />22. Retail Services. <br />23. Theaters, Small Scale. <br />24. Travel Services. <br />25. Utilities, Minor. <br />Section 3: Part I, Article 2, Section 2-638 (A) of the Zoning Code is hereby amended <br />to read as follows: <br />2-638 DA-2 Use Regulations <br />A. DA-2 District -Permitted Uses. <br />The following uses are allowed in the DA-2 District, and a conditional use permit is not <br />required. (Certain uses are subject to special requirements and/or limitations, as <br />prescribed following the individual use classification.) <br />1. Accessory uses, other than Entertainment Activities, when in conjunction with a <br />permitted use. <br />2. Artists' Studios. <br />3. Business Services. <br />4. Cafes. <br />5. Day Care, Large Family (Subject to the Regulations of Section 2-516: Large Family <br />Day Care Homes, for pre-existing residential uses only.) <br />6. Financial Institutions, Retail. <br />7. Furniture, Electronics, and Appliance Stores. <br />8. Health and Fitness Centers. <br />9. Instruction and Improvement Services. <br />10. Medical Supply Stores. <br />11. Mixed-Use Residential with ground floor retail and office uses. (Minimum density <br />of 20 units per acre and a maximum of 40 units per acre on parcels 20,000 s.f. or <br />greater; on parcels less than 20,000 s.f. the density shall not exceed 24 units per <br />acre.) <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2008-003 3 <br />