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such as shopping bags, dinner plates, and t -shirts. The recurring theme of this campaign will <br />be "I am San Leandro". The strategy behind this marketing slogan will be to use photos of <br />individuals representative of San Leandro's consumer -driven market segments throughout <br />the entire marketing campaign, i.e. a college student and the statement "I am one of 19,873 <br />people in San Leandro with a college degree!" Mr. Semmelmeyer then closed his <br />presentation by stating his excitement regarding the retail opportunities in Downtown San <br />Leandro. <br />Manager Battenberg then described that the current contract with MSPS for the development <br />of outreach materials expires on January 31, 2008. Staff has received a $140,000 proposal <br />from MSPS to continue services on a contractual basis from February 1, 2008 through <br />January 31, 2009 in order to implement the marketing campaign. The specific components <br />of the marketing campaign to be implemented under the new contract shall include a <br />marketing brochure, signage and street pole banners, way -finding sign design and <br />development, the production of guerilla marketing items such as plates, bags and post -its, a <br />direct mailing campaign, a presence at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) <br />Northern California Deal Making Conference and the ICSC Western Division Conference, <br />and the development and maintenance of a Downtown San Leandro website. Manager <br />Battenberg closed by stating that staff recommends the Committee accept the marketing <br />campaign and forward the campaign to the full City Council for approval. <br />As a result of the ensuing discussion, the Committee requested that a review and assessment <br />of the marketing activities be completed in one year to help gauge the effectiveness and <br />success of the marketing campaign. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee recommended City Council approval of a $140,000 contract with MSPS <br />for implementation of the Downtown San Leandro marketing campaign. <br />2. Acquisition and Development Update on 14860 East 14th Street (former Dollar Rent-A- <br />Car site on East 14th Street and Bancroft Avenue <br />Housing Manager Liao shared that the Hifai family (the land owner) and EAH (a non-profit <br />affordable and senior housing developer) had yet to reach a formal agreement for the sale of <br />the property. Negotiations are underway and a sale agreement is expected within two weeks. <br />It is anticipated that 80 affordable family -units will be developed on the property. Liao then <br />stated that the City's Community Development Department has recently requested that EAH <br />transfer the property to the City's Redevelopment Agency once a formal sale agreement is <br />reached. This transfer of property would be under the premise that the Redevelopment <br />Agency would pay the entire negotiated purchase price in order to allow the City/Agency to <br />facilitate current development on the property and to ensure that quality development is <br />maintained and affordable restrictions are applied on the property well into the future. <br />3. Update on Development Projects <br />a. Redevelopment at 1595 Washington Avenue and 268 Parrott Street. Assistant to the City <br />Manager Battenberg described how the Agency had entered into an Exclusive Right to <br />2 <br />