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Audrey Albers shared that the Shoreline -Marina Area is a prized possession of the City and <br />the harbor should be maintained. Ms. Albers also shared that she has no confidence in the <br />survey results. <br />Heidi Finberg, Spinnaker Yacht Club, stated that staff has been very helpful and the process <br />has been lengthy but thorough. Ms. Finberg also suggested a variety of changes that could <br />attract new boaters to the area and add value to the harbor, such as dock consolidation and <br />charging boaters by the boat length rather than by slip size. In addition, she informed the <br />Committee that over half of the navigational lights leading to the harbor are not working. <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Starosciak stated that this Committee is still vetting ideas and suggested staff <br />explore dock consolidation. She also requested information on crime statistics at the Marina. <br />Councilmember Prola explained that he was in favor of keeping the harbor open, if possible, <br />for at least one more dredge cycle in order to determine if development can cover future <br />costs. He stated that he was not supportive of privatization. Mr. Prola also noted that the <br />covered berths at the harbor were always full and questioned whether the City could generate <br />more revenue with additional covered berths. <br />Mayor Santos shared that he is interested in the development of the Shoreline -Marina Area. <br />He stated that we can dredge one more time but the problem of dredging will not go away and <br />the City will not be able to count on Federal funding in the future. <br />6. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M. <br />G:\DEPT\Committees\Marina Committee\2008Highlights\1-8-08 Marina Highlights.doc <br />