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Woodside Apartments Conversion; PLN2006-00059 3 January 22, 2008 <br />improve the livability of the residences obscured by the trees. Secondly, there is a cluster of <br />three redwoods in the planter alongside the driveway entrance to the parking area beneath <br />Building A. The tree report found that the three trees are overcrowding each other in the <br />planter and this condition is unhealthy for the trees. The report recommends that one of the <br />three trees be removed to improve the health and living conditions of the two trees remaining. <br />Staff visited the property and found the tree report's observations accurate and concurred <br />with its recommendation to remove the specified redwoods. <br />• Early in the application process (2006), the Engineering and Transportation Department and <br />Planning Division recommended against gates and fencing at the front of the property. The <br />gates would have the potential to obstruct traffic on Haas Avenue by visitors and residents <br />cueing to enter the property. In addition, the gates would prevent the convenience of access to <br />the visitor parking spaces. <br />• The project would be required to comply with the City's Inclusionary (Affordable Housing) <br />Ordinance where 15 percent of the units, including condominium conversions, must be set <br />aside for low/moderate income households (Zoning Code Article 30). In this case 14 units <br />would be required to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirement. In addition, the ordinance <br />requires the affordable units to be integrated with the market rate units and dispersed <br />throughout the site. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the developer will be required to <br />submit an Inclusionary Housing Plan to the Community Development Director for review <br />and approval. <br />• As required by the Condominium Conversion Ordinance, the applicant has notified all <br />residents by certified mail of their intention to convert the apartment units to condominium <br />units on March 2, 2006. In addition to this requirement, the applicant also conducted <br />meetings with the residents to advise them of their rights pursuant to State and City laws and <br />answer their questions. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Not applicable <br />Previous City Council Action <br />Not applicable <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />On Thursday, November 9, 2006, the City Council Business Development Sub- <br />committee reviewed the proposal. The following is a summary of the Committee's <br />comments and recommendations about the proposal. <br />1. The frontage improvements would be an important feature to be considered as part of the <br />project since the landscaped setback would be reduced and vehicle parking would be <br />brought closer to Haas Avenue. <br />2. The mature redwood trees on the property should not be impacted (result in removal) by <br />any of the proposed site work. The large redwood trees appear healthy, attractive and <br />soften the appearance of the four-story structures from the Haas Avenue neighborhood. <br />3. The project appeared to have limited usable outdoor space as it currently exists. <br />