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3A Public Hearing 2008 0122
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Packet 2008 0122
3A Public Hearing 2008 0122
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1/22/2008 10:22:05 AM
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1/22/2008 10:22:03 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Woodside Apartments Conversiotl; PLN2006-00059 4 January 22, ?008 <br />4. Since laundry facilities could not be placed in each unit the Committee felt that the required <br />minimum ratio of one washer and dryer per unit should be satisfied. It was recommended <br />that perhaps an apartment unit could be converted to supplement the current facilities and <br />satisfy the requirement to have a total of 20 washers and 20 dryers to serve the complex. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The General Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property for Residential High <br />Density use. The current Zoning Map is consistent with the General Plan. <br />The proposal will attain the following General Plan policies, related to the supply and <br />upkeep of the City's housing stock. <br />Policy 3.O1 -Mix of Unit Types Encourage a mix of residential development types in the <br />City, including single-family homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row <br />houses, live-work units, planned unit developments, and multi-family housing. <br />Policy 53.03 - Inclusionary Housing Require the inclusion of affordable housing in new <br />housing developments-both inside and outside of redevelopment project areas. Modify <br />existing inclusionary housil7g ordinances as needed to make these requirements clearer and <br />more effective. <br />Policy 56.08 -Condominium Conversion Allow apartments to be converted to <br />condominiums or cooperatives only where the following conditions exist: <br />• A tenant relocation plan is provided. <br />• The design of the building is appropriate for a wide range of residents. <br />• Obsolete or inappropriately designed aspects of the building can be replaced or <br />raised to current standards. <br />• Discourage conversions which would result in a net loss of affordable units or the <br />displacement of low income tenants. <br />The proposal will provide an opportunity for ownership of individual units. Of the 96 units <br />the project would provide 14 inclusionary units. The existing development contains 12 <br />different floor plans to add variety to the different Lu7it-types available for ownership. The <br />proposal includes a tenant relocation assistance plan that was included in the tenants' <br />notification and information letter. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted (Modification to the Planned Development) <br />The increase in parking results in the reduction in the front landscaped setback and the <br />landscaped planters at the front of Building A. This is considered a modification of the <br />existing Planned Development. The existing setbacks of the parked vehicles at eight feet, <br />l 0 feet and 15 feet from the Haas Avenue right-of--way line would be reduced to five feet. <br />As explained earlier in this report, to mitigate the reduction of the landscaped area to <br />accommodate an increase in parking spaces, the proposed landscape plan includes new <br />improvements within the reduced landscape setback along the Haas Avenue street <br />frontage. The improvements include a composition of architectural enhancements such as <br />low screen walls and arbors/trellises supplemented with new trees, shrubs, round covers <br />
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