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MINUTES <br />Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-January 7, 2008 <br />Passed to print <br />M/S/C Gregory and Grant. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />4. PUBLIC HEARINGS-JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />None. <br />5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and submit it to the <br />City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names and <br />addresses obtained. The public is invited to make comments on items of public interest NOT <br />listed on the Agenda. <br />Jeanne Gocker, Hayward Friends of the Animals Humane Society, addressed the City <br />Council, commenting that the Humane Society takes many calls from San Leandro residents, <br />some of whom have expressed their disappointment that San Leandro lacks an animal shelter, <br />and she asked if the City plans to have its own shelter. Hayward Friends of the Animals has <br />received a small grant to spay and neuter feral cats, and Ms. Gocker stated that they would <br />like to use some of the funds to spay and neuter feral cats in San Leandro. Ms. Gocker stated <br />that anyone interested can call Hayward Friends at (510) 886-7546. <br />Randy Pearce, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on the cafe <br />at the San Leandro Main Library. Mr. Pearce expressed concern that when he orders a cup of <br />hot water at the cafe, he is charged the price of a cup of tea. Mr. Pearce commented that hot <br />water should be given free of charge. <br />Patrick Tracy, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, suggesting that the <br />Council form a joint committee with the San Leandro School District Board of Trustees to <br />look into the possibility of developing the old Levitz site as a high school. <br />Raffi Demirjian, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on the <br />West San Leandro Advisory Committee Report and Recommendations prepared in 1997 and <br />approved by the City Council. Mr. Demirjian asked why the recommendations have not been <br />used for ensuing development in West San Leandro and whether the City is in violation of not <br />enforcing its own guidelines. <br />Tom Silva, Asian Community Cultural Association (ACCA), addressed the City Council, <br />requesting that the Council consider adding the Asian Community Cultural Association as an <br />eligible recipient of City Council Empowerment Funds. Mr. Silva provided information to <br />the Council about an "e-pal exchange" relationship between a fourth grade class in Yangchun, <br />San Leandro's Friendship City, and three fourth grade classes at McKinley School. Mr. Silva <br />