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Westlake Development Partners, LLC <br />February 4, 2008 <br />property controlled by WDP as well as the remaining BART property at the San Leandro <br />Station. Approximately 500 residential units, commercial development and a parking <br />structure to accommodate the displaced BART parking are anticipated for the future <br />phases of development. <br />The Exclusive Negotiating Agreement will assess the feasibility of development on the <br />Developer Property, East Parking Lot and other BART-owned surface parking areas in a <br />manner consistent with the goals and objectives included in the TOD Strategy. During <br />the eighteen-month period of the ENA, the following issues would be addressed: 1) <br />Terms and conditions for the use of the BART property, including lease and/or sale; 2) <br />Evidence that requisite funding has been obtained; 3) Due diligence efforts to ensure that <br />a proposed project represents the highest and best use of the property and fulfills the <br />City's and BART's development objectives; 4) Discussions with the City to determine its <br />requirements and a schedule for its approval of a project; and 5) In exchange, BART and <br />the City will not negotiate with any other entity for its properties during the 18 month <br />initial term of the agreement. <br />• The BART Board of Directors authorized BART staff to enter into this ENA at their <br />January 24, 2008 meeting. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />The project fulfills the objectives of the recently adopted Downtown San Leandro Transit- <br />Oriented Development Strategy. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />N/A <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />The Business and Housing Development Committee received an update of the proposed ENA at <br />their meeting of November 8, 2007. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />The following General Plan policies apply: <br />• Policy 13.04 Transit-Oriented Development - Ensure that properties adjacent to the <br />City's BART stations and along heavily used public transit routes are developed in a way <br />that maximizes the potential for transit use. Such development should be of particularly <br />high quality, include open space and other amenities, and respect the scale and character <br />of nearby neighborhoods. <br />• Policy 14.05 Access to Transit -Promote improvements that encourage walking, cycling, <br />and other forms of non-motorized transportation to and from transit facilities such as <br />BART stations and AC Transit bus lines. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />N/A <br />