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IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0.2008- RDA <br />RESOLUTION OF THE SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />AUTHORIZING AN EXCLUSIVE NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT (ENA) BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, THE SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, <br />SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT (BART) AND WESTLAKE <br />DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC <br />(APNS: 0075-0047-002-00, 075-0047-003-02, and 075-0047-007-00) <br />WHEREAS THE City of San Leandro adopted the Downtown San Leandro Transit- <br />Oriented Development Strategy (TOD Strategy) in September of 2007, after a 20-month planning <br />effort; and <br />WHEREAS the adopted TOD Strategy establishes a land use framework, a comprehensive <br />circulation system, design and development guidelines, and a series of implementation actions that <br />will guide new development in the TOD Strategy Area for the next 25 years; and <br />WHEREAS the area immediately adjacent to the Downtown San Leandro BART station <br />presents an opportunity to maximize the transit ridership potential of residential land use by <br />developing at high densities. Density ratios in these areas have a minimum of 80 dwelling <br />units/acre with no limits on building heights; and <br />WHEREAS the City owns public right-or-way adjacent to 1333 Martinez Street ("City <br />Property") within the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy <br />Area; and <br />WHEREAS City Property is suitable for development of a mix of uses including medium <br />and high density residential and commercial mixed-uses on the affected parcels; and <br />WHEREAS the area to be developed under the ENA is within the Plaza Redevelopment <br />Project Area; and <br />WHEREAS development proposed by the ENA, including land use and densities, is <br />regulated by the Land Utilization section of the Plaza Redevelopment Project Area; and <br />WHEREAS BART owns and operates the Downtown San Leandro BART station area that <br />includes a number of surface parking lots that are identified in the TOD Strategy as "opportunity <br />sites" and "Special Policy Areas;" and <br />WHEREAS the Chang family, represented by Westlake Development Partners, LLC owns <br />property identified in the TOD Strategy as "opportunity sites" and "Special Policy Areas;" and <br />