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upon the change in the annual Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers (San Francisco- <br />Oakland-San Jose). <br />3. Permitted Uses. The Leased Premises shall be used during the tenancy hereof <br />exclusively for the following: parking of Lessee employee vehicles. Any change in this use must <br />be approved by the Lessor in advance and in writing. <br />4. Improvements. No improvements shall be placed in, on, or upon the Leased <br />Premises, and no alterations shall be made on, in or upon said Leased Premises without the prior <br />written consent and approval of Lessor, including material to shield the Leased Premises from <br />view, under penalty of forfeiture of this Lease and the payment of damages by Lessee. <br />5. Hazardous Materials. No storage of materials deemed by the Lessor to be a <br />potential fire or other toxic hazard to the underpass will be permitted, and the operation and <br />maintenance of the Leased Premises will be subject to regulation by the Lessor to protect against <br />fire or other hazard impairing the use, safety, and appearance of the overpass. The occupancy <br />and use of the Leased Premises shall not be such as will permit hazardous or unreasonably <br />objectionable smoke, fumes, vapors or odors to rise above the grade line of the overpass. <br />6. Payment of Taxes. Lessee agrees: (a) To pay all taxes and assessments that may <br />be legally assessed on the Lessee's possessory interest or on any improvements or equipment <br />placed by Lessee on said Leased Premises during the continuance of the tenancy hereby created; <br />(b) To pay all charges for water furnished to the Leased Premises through a meter to be <br />contracted for by Lessee, if any, and (c) To pay all charges for electricity furnished or supplied to <br />or upon any part of the Leased Premises, if any; and said electricity shall enter said Leased <br />Premises through a meter to be contracted for by the Lessee. <br />Lessee recognizes and understands in accepting this Lease that its interest therein may be <br />subject to a possible Promissory Interest Tax that the City or County may impose on such <br />interest, and that such tax payment shall not reduce any rent due the Lessor hereunder and any <br />such tax shall be the liability of Lessee and paid by Lessee. <br />7. Maintenance of Leased Premises. <br />(a) The Lessee shall, at its sole expense, keep and maintain the Leased <br />Premises free of all grass, weeds, debris, and flammable materials of every description, and at all <br />times in an orderly, clean, safe and sanitary condition. <br />(b) The Lessee, at Lessee's own cost and expense, shall maintain said Leased <br />Premises, including all fences and guardrails heretofore, or hereafter erected, provided that the <br />Lessee shall at its expense install and maintain a rolling gate and re-strip the parking area. The <br />Lessee shall take all steps deemed necessary by Lessor to effectively protect the fences and <br />guardrails, and the piers and columns of the viaduct from damage incident to Lessee's use of <br />such Leased Premises, all without expense to the Lessor. The Lessee shall be liable to and shall <br />reimburse the Lessor for any damage to said fences, guardrails, piers, or columns in any way <br />resulting from or attributable to the use and occupancy of said Leased Premises by the Lessee or <br />2 <br />