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Main Street Property Services -Page 2 of 3 - January 25, 2008 <br />up to $50,000, is available to assist business and property owners in implementing elements of <br />the Design Guidelines. <br />The product of the 2007 Downtown Retail Strategy Implementation Plan was the creation of a <br />"Downtown San Leandro" logo and the "I am San Leandro" campaign, targeted at brokers and <br />future retail tenants. The marketing campaign includes downtown-area maps, regional trade area <br />maps, postcards, and other consumer-friendly items such as shopping bags, dinner plates, and t- <br />shirts, apresence at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Northern California <br />Deal Making Conference and the ICSC Western Division Conference, and the development and <br />maintenance of a Downtown San Leandro website. The recurring theme of this campaign will be <br />"I am San Leandro". The strategy behind this marketing slogan will be the use photos of <br />individuals representing San Leandro's consumer-driven market segments, i.e. a college student <br />and the statement "I am one of 19,873 people in San Leandro with a college degree!" <br />MSPS completed the projects included in last year's agreement which terminates January 31, <br />2008. Anew, one-year contractual services agreement with MSPS for implementation of the "I <br />am San Leandro" campaign is recommended to begin February 1, 2008 and end January 31, <br />2009. The campaign elements and their respective cost are: <br />Brochures, CDs and book 7,250 <br />Storefront and Banner Signage 13,750 <br />Development and Design of Way Finding Program 20,000 <br />Marketing -posters, postcards, plates, paper bags, ICSD give-a-ways 36,000 <br />Consulting Services ($4,000/month) 48,000 <br />$140,000 <br />The Consultant Services Agreement between the Agency and MSPS includes anot-to-exceed fee <br />of $140,000. Exhibit A to the Agreement includes the detailed Scope of Services, while Exhibit <br />B includes a list of reimbursable expenses and the hourly fee schedule for employees of MSPS. <br />The cost of this work is to be split equally between the Plaza Redevelopment Area and the Joint <br />Redevelopment Area, as part of downtown is included in each of these areas. While some funds <br />are available in the current budget, an appropriation of an additional $40,000 from the Plaza <br />Redevelopment Area fund balance and $35,000 from the Joint Redevelopment Area fund <br />balance is recommended to fund the project. These projects will continue the transformation of <br />the downtown and complement on-going improvements. <br />Current City Council Policy -Not Applicable <br />Previous City Council Actions - On January 16, 2007, the Redevelopment Agency approved a <br />Consultant Services Agreement with Main Street Property Services Inc. for the development of <br />the 2007 Downtown Retail Strategy Implementation Plan and Design Guidelines and Principles. <br />The agreement expires on January 31, 2008. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action -The Business Development Committee <br />discussed the proposed project at their January 10, 2008 meeting and recommended Agency <br />