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Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee did not have any recommendations. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Increase in Signature Limits for Consulting Services Agreements <br />Carter reviewed current policy for approving Consulting Service Agreements (CSAs) with the <br />Committee, which is as follows: services less than $Sk can be approved by the department; $Sk - <br />$24,999 require approval of form by the City Attorney and approval from the City Manager; <br />$25k and over require approval from City Council. Carter recognized the cost increases to <br />Consulting Service Agreement limits are due to inflation. Contracts are now going over the $25k <br />limit. Staff is recommending increasing the limit to the following: services less than $ l Ok can be <br />approved by the department; $ l Ok - $49,999 can be approved by the City Manager; and $SOk <br />and over must be approved by Council. Vice Mayor Grant stated that she would like to see <br />additional checks and balances with respect to Consultant Services Agreements overall. Budget <br />& Compliance Manager Perini indicated that there is a project in progress to create a database to <br />assist in keeping track of all agreements entered into with the City. Staff further indicated that it <br />would develop additional language that would require the approval of the City Manager for any <br />CSA that would cause a specific vendor to exceed $25,000 in total business from the City. This <br />additional requirement will allow the City Manager to monitor smaller CSA contracts which in <br />the aggregate, for a specific vendor, might exceed $25,000. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee recommends the City Council consider approval of the increase in Signature <br />Limits so long as there is language included in the policy that will prohibit departments from <br />entering into several low dollar agreements with the same vendors to avoid having to obtain <br />either the City Manager or Council approval. <br />3. Discussion of the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget Message and Budget Calendar. <br />Jermanis reported that the Budget Kick-off was on January 11, 2007. While there will be the <br />obvious increases due to inflation, the message to departments for the upcoming fiscal year is <br />"Hold-the-Line" while still continuing to replicate the same level of services Highlights of the <br />calendar were discussed. Mayor Santos and Vice Mayor Grant indicated the need for public <br />input and suggested Town Hall meetings. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Future Finance Committee Meeting Dates <br />The Finance Committee agreed to continue having the meetings on the third Tuesday of the <br />month from 4:OOpm - 5:30pm. <br />5. Public Comments <br />None <br />2 <br />