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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: January 9, 2008 <br />To: Finance Committee <br />From: Stephen Hollister, Assistant City Manager <br />Perry Carter, Interim Finance Director <br />By: Mary Ann Perini, Budget and Compliance Manager 1 <br />Subject: FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 BUDGET MESSAGE AND BUDGET CALENDAR <br />The attached Budget Calendar provides a chronological detailed listing of key dates for the Fiscal <br />Year 2008-09 budget process. The process began on January 11, 2008 with a budget kick-off <br />meeting attended by department Financial Managers and Department Heads. A copy of the City <br />Manager's Budget Preparation Guidelines is attached for the Committee's review. The table <br />below lists dates of Finance Committee and City Council meetings, which are pertinent to this <br />process. The Council is scheduled to adopt the Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget on June 16, 2008. <br />Da#e Meetin and terns for Consideration <br />Janu 15 Finance Committee Meetin review Bud et Calendar <br />Apri115 Finance Committee Meeting (Proposed FY 2008-09 Increases in Fees and <br />Char es for Services, and Prelimina Bud et <br />A ri122 S ecial Finance Committee Meetin if needed <br />May 5 or 19 City Council Meeting (Public Hearing on Proposed FY 2007-08 Increases in Fees <br />and Char es for Services b Ci D artments <br />Ma 12 Ci Council Work Session Presentation of Prelimina Bud et <br />June 2 Cit Council Meetin Presentation on Cit Mana er's Pro osed Bud et <br />June 16 - City Council Meeting (Public Hearing, Budget Adoption, including the San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Agency, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, <br />San Leandro Parking Authority and San Leandro Public Finance Authority, and <br />A ro riation Limit <br />June 23 Bud et Ado tion -tentative and if needed <br />G:~FINCOMM~2007-08 Minutes & Items~Budget Calendar Finance Committee 01-15-08.doc <br />