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3A Public Hearing 2008 0219
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Packet 2008 0219
3A Public Hearing 2008 0219
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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PLN2007-00013 4 <br />Faith Fellowship Worship Center <br />February 19, 2008 <br />parcels. The parcel addresses correspond to 14600 and 14850 Catalina Street, and consist of a <br />total of 154,889 square feet, or 3.55 acres. The site would be used for the operation of the <br />Faith Fellowship Worship Center (a.k.a International Church of the Foursquare Gospel). <br />In addition to three scheduled Sunday services at 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 11:55 a.m., <br />additional activities proposed by the applicant include weekly "food fellowship and bible <br />study" sessions for approximately 400 attendees, other weekly meetings and bible study <br />programs for women and intermediate, high school and college students, a weekly singles' <br />group, child care for attendees, weekly choir rehearsals and other events. <br />• As to the three Sunday services, the applicant expects the first Sunday service to attract <br />approximately 325 persons; the second to attract approximately 675 persons, and the third to <br />attract approximately 450 persons, for a total attendance of 1,450 persons. In addition, the <br />applicant proposes to conduct additional holiday services, with attendance that is "usually <br />higher" than at weekly Sunday services. The applicant also proposes to regularly conduct <br />numerous group meetings, rehearsals, and bible study sessions on evenings throughout the <br />week, with these sessions expected to attract groups ranging in number between 15 and 65 <br />people. The applicant proposes a weekly "Food Fellowship" event estimated to attract 400 <br />persons. <br />• A total of 185 parking spaces are proposed. The applicant has used the Assembly Use parking <br />ratio of I space per 50 square feet to calculate their parking, thereby providing 130 regular <br />spaces, 50 compact and 5 handicap spaces, for a total of 185 parking spaces. However, in <br />order to meet the City's parking standards for an assembly use, a total of 1 parking space per <br />50 square feet is required, pursuant to Article 17, Off -Street Parking and Loading Regulations, <br />for a total of 206 parking spaces, based on a total of 10,348 square feet of assembly use. The <br />applicant needs an additional 21 parking spaces. <br />Analysis <br />Conditional Use Permit <br />• The subject property is located within an area that is zoned Industrial Park (IP). The zoning code <br />regulations applicable to the IP District do not allow "assembly use," either with or without a <br />conditional use permit. The applicant proposes that their religious worship center meets the <br />definition of an "entertainment activity," which is allowed in the IP Zone subject to a conditional <br />use permit. <br />• The San Leandro Zoning code defines "entertainment activities" as: <br />" ... [T]he following activities where they occur on a scheduled basis (3) or more days during a <br />calendar year on the site of any permitted or conditionally permitted use, excluding activities for <br />the non-profit, charitable or educational proposes (sic) of public or private institutional uses <br />
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