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Project Open Doors 2 February 19, 2008 <br />work more closely with our community and regional partners, to participate in a national model and <br />countywide strategies to end homelessness and to coordinate and leverage resources. HUD has <br />made the development of strategies to assist the "chronically homeless" a national priority. When <br />the City adopted The Everyone Home Plan, the City included suggested strategies for <br />implementation with the Plan's five major goals. The Plan's goals and a brief list of these possible <br />City actions follow: <br />1. Prevent homelessness and other housin crg ises. <br />Possible City Action: <br />• Target Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Community Assistance Grant <br />Program resources towards prevention services. <br />2. Increase housing_opportunities for the homeless mentally ill and people living with HIV/AIDS. <br />Possible City Action: <br />• Expand the range of housing models operating in Alameda County to include options <br />ranging from intensely supported housing to fully independent affordable housing. <br />3. Deliver flexible services to support stability and independence. <br />Possible City Action: <br />• Explore expanding financial assistance to community-based organizations for support <br />services and facilities to assist the homeless and at-risk populations. <br />4. Measure success and report outcomes. <br />5. Develop long-term leadership and build community support. <br />Possible City Action: <br />• Commit staff support to work collaboratively with the County and stakeholders to <br />implement the Plan and related City goals and priorities. <br />For the past twenty years, Building Futures has developed expertise and leadership in serving the <br />homeless. The field of homeless services is changing, and policy makers are looking to end <br />homelessness, no longer merely to "manage it" through emergency shelters alone. The cornerstone <br />of this change is the development of affordable housing with supportive services to help residents <br />stabilize and build new and lasting communities. BFWC's participation in two regional initiatives <br />to end homelessness, including The Everyone Home Plan, is conducive to having the City partner <br />with its local expert. Due to this changing climate in the homeless arena, BFWC needs to re-tool its <br />organization and will use part of this grant to assess its mission and capacity to build and operate <br />more permanent supportive housing for vulnerable populations, calling this process "Project Open <br />Doors". <br />Under Project Open Doors, BFWC will help the City research, design and implement innovative <br />homeless programs and policies. By increasing BFWC's capacity to end homelessness in <br />partnership with local jurisdictions and non-profits, the City will be aligned with emerging best <br />