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Agmt 2008 Barry J Miller
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2008 Barry J Miller
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Last modified
2/15/2008 11:10:43 AM
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2/15/2008 11:10:42 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2008-013
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Task A-3: Collect and Analyze Baseline Data <br />Description; This task includes the data collection and analysis that is necessary to update the Housing <br />Element. Among the sub-tasks to be completed are: <br />^ An evaluation of the 2002 Housing Element, including an assessment of each action program and <br />an evaluation of progress towards implementation. This will include quantifiable data wherever <br />possible. <br />^ A "Needs Assessment" based on demographic and housing trends. This will include a summary of <br />population and household data, and an analysis of trends since 2002 based on the best available <br />data sources. It will include a summary of housing market conditions, housing maintenance and <br />conservation issues, housing overpayment, and provisions for special needs groups. <br />^ An Adequate Sites Analysis, building on the analysis completed in 2002. The previous analysis will <br />be updated to comply with state requirements, to reflect development activity since 2002, to reflect <br />the City's 2007-2014 Regional Housing Needs Allocation, and to reflect new policies and zoning <br />changes such as the TOD strategy. <br />^ A Constraints Analysis, that will evaluate both governmental and non-governmental constraints to <br />housing production in the City. <br />^ An evaluation of other relevant factors, consistent with State Housing law, including energy <br />conservation, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity housing measures, and the protection of at- <br />risk affordable housing units. <br />Each of the above bullet points represents a "chapter" in the revised Housing Element. Drafts of each <br />chapter will be prepared, circulated to staff, and revised as needed. Maps, charts, and other graphics will <br />be prepared to illustrate key points and findings. <br />Task A-4: Update Housing Policies and Programs <br />Description: Based on the outcome of Task 3, revisions to the city's housing policies and programs will be <br />proposed, For example, these could include changes to the City's inclusionary zoning policies, <br />development standards, affordable housing preservation strategies, and funding priorities. Policy "options" <br />will be developed and presented for discussion. Any changes in current policy will be thoroughly vetted <br />through meetings with City Staff, the community, and the Planning Commission and City Council. Input <br />and guidance from State HCD will also be important. <br />The end product of this Task will be a revised set of Housing policies and action programs, and a new five- <br />yearaction plan, to be incorporated in the Draft Housing Element. <br />Task A-5: Prepare Administrative Draft Housing Element <br />Description: This task includes production of a working draft Housing Element for staff review. The <br />deliverables produced in Tasks 3 and 4 will be synthesized into a consolidated report. An Introduction and <br />Table of Contents will be added, and relevant appendices (lists of opportunity sites, etc.) will be produced. <br />The Administrative Draft will be circulated for review by City staff. Coordination with State HCD will <br />continue throughout this task. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between February 4, 2008 <br />City of San Leandro and Barry J. Miller -- Exhibit A Page 2 of 4 <br />
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