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STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />~, ,, J ~t ~ j SS. <br />COUNTY OF ~(~J ~/ ~~/ ~~~, ~ ,~i ~/ r~ <br />On-- ~j ~y~ before me, F~-~~~-Ci/y ~'~-~ ~/~1~--( I` ~--~G ,personally <br />appeared ~~~~ S ~ ~~~~ <br />personally known to me ) to be the personJ~'who e names <br />~ /mss-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tha h /sf~efti~eq executed the same i hi' /I~e~4hcir <br />uthorized capacity~jae•), and that b~ir signatureJ~efi'on the ins rument the person,~ej', or the entity pon behalf <br />of which the perso~ acted, executed the instrument. <br />WITNESS my h nd and official seal. <br />KRISTEN METZ <br />Signature ~ Commission # 1412048 <br />Notary Publ~ - Calitornla <br />-~~ , San Diego County <br />My Comm. Expires Oct 9, 2009 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF ~N 171 EG'D ) <br />On i.117Ur~M t-1Z 5~ 2-oD1 before me, L15/~ 12. ~t.)UEL11-~'_, ILY1f7~I~V PU-gL1l~ ,personally <br />appeared UDN F'iQ(~-Eli. NDf(zIMfF-ftl <br />personally known to me to be the person whose name, <br />pare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that~i'she/they executed the ame in her/their <br />authorized capacity, and that byp /her/their signatur~ on the instrument the persor~, or the entity upon behalf <br />of which the person~,~} acted, executed the instrument. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~ USAR.CW~EUER~ <br />Signature Commission # 1445819 <br />-r' Notary Public - Califomla <br />San Diego County <br />tvly Comm. Expires Jan 27, 2008 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />SS. <br />COUNTY OF ~~ ~h0 ) <br />On NoV6~B-~ ~. Z-c~D~l before me, {~-~-rs~i. 'I-~6T-t, ~IQT~+( Pu-~LIL ,personally <br />appeared 2-01.)~l--tom ~ • f~C,~`-°~~"~N <br />personally known to me'°„~nrnypd to mP nn the r,^~is of G^tisf^rtnrv ~.+~ tee) to be the person'who a namef~a~j <br />~s7tace-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thalCFie sk~e,~#J~ey executed the same in iis~hc~ei•F-. <br />uthorized capacity es ,and that by/heir signature(~3 on the instrument the persons , or the entity pon behalf <br />of which the person acted, execut the instrument. <br />WITNESS my h d and official seal. <br />Signature KRISTEN METZ~ <br />Commission # 1412048 <br />-e; Notary Public -Calitornla <br />San Diego County <br />MY Comm. Expires Oct 9, 2009 <br />