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Ezhibit A <br />Description of Tral~ic Sigio~l Easement <br />Beginning at the sown oortrer of Parcel C, Amending Map Tract 7579, record <br />Jtuie 8, 2007, in Book 299, pages 70-73 per Recorders series 2007 215491, then <br />North 00' 48' 4S" West 6.00 feet m the actual paint of begitming, then <br />South 89° 11' 1S" West 4.00 feet, then North 00' 48' 45" West 4.00 feet, then <br />North 89' 11' 15" East 4.00 ferx, then South 00' 48' 45" Fast 4.00 feet to tip point of <br />'*~Qrt Ei8lpN <br />~ v <br />~~~~ <br />Mo. 10879 ~ <br />~~ ~~~' ~ 31 -~~ <br />~1 ClV~~- <br />~jF OF C~-1.1f0 <br />