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MINUTES Page 4 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-February 4, 2008 <br />End of Public Comments on Item 10.A. <br />Mr. Sims mentioned that representatives from Westlake Development Partners, LLC <br />were also in the audience. <br />Mayor Santos requested that, after the resolutions approving the ENA have been <br />adopted, the Council make a motion directing City staff to draft an amendment to the <br />ENA that would insure broad public participation in a project application that will result <br />from the ENA. The amendment would require the Developer to meet at least four times <br />with community groups, labor organizations and various stakeholders during the term of <br />the Negotiation Period to address the following issues: child care and social services; <br />affordable housing; sustainability and green building; information on impacts to <br />neighborhoods; and employment generation during construction and at build-out. The <br />Developer would provide both BART and the City with a summary report of the <br />meetings quarterly during the Negotiation Period. The proposed amendment to the <br />ENA would be sent to both BART and the Developer for their review and comment, <br />and then brought before the City Council for adoption at its meeting on March 3, 2008. <br />Councilmember Prola concurred with Mayor Santos' request. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked whether the Developer would be amenable to such an <br />amendment. Mayor Santos stated that it was his understanding that there have been <br />discussions between the City, the Developer, and BART regarding the amendment. <br />(Councilmember Starosciak arrived at 7:34 p.m.) <br />Vice Mayor Grant stated that she felt it was important that the language that was added <br />to the City Council resolution also be added to the RDA resolution, as it will be through <br />the powers of the RDA that many of the desired outcomes would be achieved. Vice <br />Mayor Grant commented that she would like to see the wording in the bullet points <br />made stronger, and suggested changing the wording of the second bullet to "affordable <br />housing, housing mix and type." She commented on the ability by BART to extend the <br />Negotiation Period for an additional 18 months, and she stated that she would like time <br />to consider the Mayor's request. <br />City Attorney Williams clarified that, as presented by the Mayor, staff would be <br />authorized to negotiate a proposed amendment with the Developer and BART to present <br />to the Council on March 3. <br />Councilmember Souza urged that the proposed amendment be referred to a Council <br />committee for review and public comment prior to coming back to the Council. <br />• Resolution No. 2008-014, Resolution of the City Council of the City of San <br />Leandro Authorizing an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) Between the <br />City of San Leandro, the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, San Francisco <br />Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) and Westlake Development <br />