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Woodside Apartments Conversion; PLN2006-00059 5 January 22, 2008 <br />and vine plantings. A new center island within the parking area would be landscaped with <br />a similar palette of trees, shrubs and ground cover. <br />In addition, the proposed removal of three redwood trees would be a modification of the <br />Planned Development. As explained earlier in this report, the proposed removal of trees <br />is supported by an arborist's study. In 20 years the redwoods have grown very large, <br />dense and are overcrowded. The large trees also obstruct natural light and air to the <br />adjacent apartment units. Subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting, the City <br />Arborist reviewed the arborist's report and visited the site. The City Arborist found the <br />report to be accurate. <br />The Planning Commission at its work session believed that the proposed conversion, <br />including 13 additional on-site parking spaces, would improve the existing on-street parking <br />conditions in the immediate area. As recommended by the Planning Commission the <br />applicant is agreeable to provide the required amount of washers and dryers for the <br />condominium complex. <br />Environmental Review <br />This matter is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />per CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15301 (k) as a division of residences into <br />common-interest ownership. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable <br />Board/Commission )F~ndings <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this application on January 11, 2007 at an informal <br />work session, and on December 13, 2007, at a formal public hearing. (The public hearing <br />scheduled on November 8, 2007 was continued to December 13, 2007 at the request of the <br />applicant.) At the conclusion of the public hearing, the majority of the Planning <br />Commission believed that the project would improve the current neighborhood parking <br />situation by increasing the parking supply on the Woodside property. Additionally, they <br />cited that the units would be completely remodeled and provide new ownership-housing <br />opportunities. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the use pernut on a <br />vote of 4:2 to convert the apartment units into condominium units and approval of the <br />vesting tentative map and condominium plan subject to recommended conditions. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />As stated previously in this report, the applicant has notified all residents by certified mail <br />of their intention to convert the apartment units to condominium units pursuant to the <br />Condominium Conversion Ordinance. In addition to the requirement, the applicant also <br />conducted meetings with residents to answer questions and advise them of their rights <br />pursuant to State and City laws. <br />