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(DRAFT) EXCERPTS FROM THE <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />SAN LEANDRO PLANNING COMMISSION <br />SOUTH OFFICES <br />83 5 East 14th Street <br />' San Leandro, California <br />a . <br />MINUTES FOR AGENDA N0.07-23 December 13, 2007 <br />7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting <br />Item 1: Roll Call <br />Present: Planning Commissioners Abero, Collier, Nardine, Ponder, Vice-Chair <br />Dlugosh, Chair Reed. <br />Excused: Commissioner Finberg. <br />Staff: Kathleen Livermore, Secretary to the Planning Commission; Elmer <br />Penaranda, Planner II; Maryann Miller, Planner III; Stephanie Stuart, <br />Assistant City Attorney; Barbara Templeton, Recording Secretary. <br />Item 6: Public Hearing <br />a). Matter of PLN2007-00059; Use Permit for Condominium Conversion; Planned <br />Development Modification; Vesting Tentative Map. The proposed use permit is for <br />the conversion of the Woodside Apartments, 235 Haas Avenue, a 96-unit apartment <br />complex, to condominium ownership. As part of the condominium conversion <br />process the property owner is proposing to redesign the front parking lot to increase <br />the current off street parking supply, thereby reducing the front landscaped setback <br />and requiring a modification to the planned development. Vesting Tentative Map <br />Tract No. 7767 is proposed to create the subdivision for condominium ownership. <br />Assessor's Parcel Number 76-437-7-1; Kathy Oesterreich, Davidon Investors <br />(applicant and property owner); RM-1800 (PD) Residential Multiple-Family District, <br />Planned Development Overlay District. (Continued from the Planning Commission <br />meeting of November 8, 2007.) <br />Environmental Status: This project is categorically exempt from the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Section <br />15301 (k). <br />Planner Penaranda, who confirmed that there have been modifications to the original <br />planned development to increase parking, showed Commissioners a number of exhibits, <br />including a vicinity map, the site plan, floor plans and underground parking areas, the <br />proposed parking design and parking lot layout, landscaping proposals, streetscape <br />elevations, inclusionary housing plans and photos from various angles. The subject <br />property, constructed in 1987, now contains 50 one-bedroom and 46 two-bedroom <br />apartments and a total of 167 parking spaces. When the original development was <br />approved (1985), the City required 167 parking spaces, a ratio of 1.74 spaces per unit. <br />According to Zoning Code Article 24, which addresses Condominium Conversions, the <br />project proposed must conform to applicable parking requirements for amulti-family <br />residential project. Specifically, one-bedroom units require 1.5 spaces per unit, while <br />