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3A Public Hearing 2008 0303
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Packet 2008 0303
3A Public Hearing 2008 0303
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Excerpts from the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2447 <br />Agenda No. 07-23 Page 2 of 8 <br />two-bedroom units require 2.25 spaces per unit, for a total requirement of 179 spaces. <br />Among the changes the Applicant proposes to create the additional parking needed is a <br />reduction in the landscape setback in the front of the property. The proposal thus includes <br />a total of 180 off-street parking spaces, one more than technically required. During a <br />work session on the project on January 11, Commissioners had expressed concerns about <br />the adequacy of laundry facilities, the reduction in landscaping, and preservation of a row <br />of redwood trees in front of Building A. The applicant responded by upgrading the <br />I ' washer/dryer ratio to 20 stacked units, and brought in a landscape architect to refine and <br />enhance the front landscaping and parking lot improvement plans. Although parking lifts <br />and parking at the Karol Way access were considered, neither option proved feasible. The <br />Karol Way access is an emergency access, and parking lifts would not work aesthetically <br />outside the building, and would not fit within the head clearance in the underground <br />garages. As Planner Penaranda had indicated at the January session, an arborist was <br />brought in to evaluate the redwood trees and complete a tree report. As a result of that <br />evaluation, the new proposal calls for retention of three of the five trees on the property <br />and the removal of two trees that the report indicates now exist in an overcrowded <br />condition. Considering their proximity to the north side of Building A, the crowding of <br />these trees also restricts light, air and ventilation in the units that face Haas Avenue. The <br />adjacent parking spaces will use porous pavers to ensure that rainwater is available to the <br />trees. Low screen walls, trellis features and pilasters for decorative treatment have been <br />' ~ added to enhance the landscaping and buffer the parking area, so vehicles parked near the <br />street are less visible. The landscaping also includes trees to replace the row of root- <br />invasive liquidambar (also known as sweet gum) trees along the property frontage. Staff <br />recommends that the Planning Commission forward the use permit for a condominium <br />conversion, modification to the planned development, and the vesting tentative map and <br />condominium plan to the City Council with a recommendation for approval subject to the <br />' specified recommended conditions and fmdings. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked who hired the arborist. <br />Planner Penaranda said it was the Applicant. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked whether the City obtained a second opinion. <br />Planner Penaranda replied that staff evaluated the report. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked who within the City staff has arborist certification. <br />Planner Penaranda said there is no certified arborist on the staff. <br />Secretary Livermore pointed out that Planner Penaranda has a background in landscape <br />architecture, and a bachelor's degree in landscape architecture. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked again whether a second opinion was obtained from <br />another arborist not hired by the Applicant. <br />Planner Penaranda said no. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked whether the redwood trees, originally planted in 1985, <br />had been reviewed since then. <br />Planner Penaranda said this was the first time. <br />Commissioner Nardine expressed concern that after all this time, all of a sudden there <br />are issues of overcrowding, being planted too close together and causing problems with <br />ventilation and so forth. <br />
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