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3A Public Hearing 2008 0303
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Packet 2008 0303
3A Public Hearing 2008 0303
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Excerpts from the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2007 <br />Agenda No. 07-23 Page 4 of 8 <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that she doesn't remember. She is not sure there are any in that <br />category. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked about lifetime leases for residents aged 62 and up. She <br />wanted to know haw many residents are in that age group, and where will they go while <br />their residences are upgraded. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that the tenant relocation program offers lifetime leases to these <br />renters, but she is not certain of the number. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked if the units that remain rentals will be upgraded in the <br />same manner as the condominiums. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that new carpet and linoleum would be added, but the upgrades <br />would be not the same as with the for-sale units. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked whether these residents would be displaced during the <br />conversion of other units. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that it is a possibility. Normally Davidon does not vacate an entire <br />building at once, but rather progresses in stages. There are four floors in each building, <br />and they would probably do one or two floors at a time. Residents might have to be <br />relocated during that period. Davidon would try to relocate them onsite, but if that is not <br />feasible, they will find another living space as nearby as possible. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked if that does not work as Ms. Oesterreich described, what <br />is "Plan B"? <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that Davidon has not run into that situation, after three conversions <br />so far. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked how many units would be converted simultaneously. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said maybe 15 to 30 units would be converted at a time. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked about the discount offered at other conversions for <br />residents who want to stay. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that it is the same at all of Davidon's other conversions. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked how the discount is calculated. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that she believes it is a $4,000 flat discount, regardless of unit size. <br />Commissioner Nardine noted that Homeowner Association fees are almost $330 per <br />month. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that is only an estimate. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked how often the fees would increase. <br />Ms. Oesterreich indicated that fee increases basically would be up to the HOA. <br />Commissioner Nardine asked what the fees pay for. <br />Ms. Oesterreich explained that the units are individually metered for electricity and gas, <br />but hot water is delivered from boiler units on top of each building. Thus, the HOA fees <br />would include hot water, water, property maintenance, trash removal, landscape <br />maintenance and repairs. She also pointed out that a large part of HOA dues is for <br />reserves for future improvement. <br />
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