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3A Public Hearing 2008 0303
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Packet 2008 0303
3A Public Hearing 2008 0303
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Excerpts from the Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2007 <br />Agenda No. 07-23 Page S of 8 <br />Commissioner Nardine pointed out that for 96 units, the fees come to almost $400,000 a <br />year. <br />Ms. Oesterreich reiterated that the fees indicated are an estimate, prepared by <br />professionals who were hired to do so. <br />Commissioner Abero asked about an item under Construction Provisions in the <br />Planning Department's Recommended Conditions of Approval (Revised). The document <br />states, "A Soils Investigation Report with conclusions -and recommendations was <br />conducted by Terrasearch, Inc., dated December 3, 1985." Assuming that was for the <br />initial construction of the apartment complex, she asked whether another soils report <br />would be done. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that no additional soils report is needed, and the structural integrity <br />of units is covered in the Physical Elements Report. <br />Chair Reed opened the session to public comments. <br />Malcolm Jones, a tenant at 235 Haas Avenue, had afollow-up question about Ms. <br />Oesterreich's earlier comments about noise control. In addition to additional sheetrock in <br />hallway walls and dual-pane windows, what is planned in regard to floors and interior <br />walls? <br />Ms. Oesterreich said the noise report recommended cushioned vinyl in the kitchen and <br />carpet pads. Nothing showed up in the noise report to suggest doing anything about the <br />interior walls. <br />Mr. Jones noted that, in regard to the HOA, security around the building is a concern. He <br />said that he had a car stolen from the parking garage. He noted all the trees, and heard <br />discussion about putting up a wall and rearranging all the parking, but asked how the <br />tenants' or condominium buyers' vehicles would be protected. He pointed out that people <br />who don't live there now frequently park on the property at night. <br />Ms. Oesterreich said that one of the original designs included a gate across both <br />entrances, but they were told that the City would not accept that. She noted that the <br />underground parking is gated, with residents having access through openers. She does not <br />know how anyone got in to steal his car. She added that when they were redesigning <br />landscape features to compensate for removal of trees, the City requested the low wall <br />and trellises to enhance the appearance. <br />Francois Gallo, 979 Woodland, said he was speaking on behalf of the Creekside <br />Neighborhood Association, and had a letter to read from the Association president. The <br />letter said- that certain measures need to be taken as conditions of approval to ensure <br />appropriate land use and to maintain the quality of life in the neighborhood. Among these <br />measures: <br />1) The visual impact for Haas Avenue is needed when viewing the complex from the <br />street, including mature trees such as those already there. <br />2) A green tree zone buffer between the apartment parking lot and Haas Avenue. <br />3) There should be enough laundry facilities on each floor to minimize traffic and <br />pollution problems; traffic through the neighborhood was as high as 1,900 cars a <br />day 15 years ago, when the last traffic study was conducted. <br />4) No financial support or subsidy from the City or County for condo buyers is <br />needed; there is enough subsidized housing nearby. <br />5) Redwoods need not be sacrificed; they should be professionally pruned and <br />balanced. <br />
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