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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: January 22, 2008 <br />TO: John Jermanis, City Manager <br />FROM: Luke Sims, Community Development Directo <br />BY: Elmer Penaranda, Planner II ~~(//~~ <br />SUBJECT PROJECT/PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />APPROVED AND FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />O <br />JohryJ manis <br />Ciby znager <br />MATTER OF PLN2006-00059; USE PERMIT FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION; <br />PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MODIFICATION; VESTING TENTATIVE MAP. THE <br />PROPOSED USE PERMIT IS FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE WOODSIDE <br />APARTMENTS, 235 HAAS AVENUE, A 96-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX, TO <br />CONDOMNIUM OWNERSHIP. AS PART OF THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION <br />PROCESS THE PROPERTY OWNER IS PROPOSING TO REDESIGN THE FRONT <br />PARKING LOT TO INCREASE THE CURRENT OFF-STREET PARKING SUPPLY, <br />THEREBY REDUCING THE FRONT LANDSCAPED SETBACK AND REQUIRING A <br />MODIFICATION TO THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. VESTING TENTATIVE MAP <br />TRACT NO. 7767 LS PROPOSED TO CREATE THE SUBDIVISION FOR CONDOMINIUM <br />OWNERSHIP. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 76-437-7-1; K. OESTERREICH, <br />DAVIDON INVESTORS (APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER); RM-1800 (PD) <br />RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE-FAMILY, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />The property owner proposes to convert the existing Woodside Apartments into condominiums <br />for ownership as individual units. In 1985, the City Council approved a planned development <br />(PD-85-2) for two four-story apartment buildings comprising 96-units at 235 Haas Avenue. The <br />property comprises 50 one-bedroom units and 46 two-bedroom units and has on-site amenities <br />including secured parking areas beneath the two apartment buildings and a small deck area <br />overlooking the San Leandro Creek at the rear of the property. <br />The applicant would provide various site improvements including the increased parking supply <br />with redesign, new landscaped enhancements along the Haas Avenue frontage, new laundry <br />facilities, and interior improvements such as new appliances, fixtures, and paint. The project <br />would provide 14 inclusionary units to satisfy the City's 15 percent affordable housing <br />requirement. The use of the site as condominiums would promote property ownership in San <br />Leandro and should remain as a compatible use to the surrounding development. <br />At its December 13, 2007 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Use <br />Permit for the conversion of the Woodside Apartments and approval of the Vesting Tentative <br />Map Tract No. 7767 to create a subdivision for condominium ownership. <br />