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ShorelineMarina Highlights 2008 0226
City Clerk
City Council
Shoreline-Marina Committee
ShorelineMarina Highlights 2008 0226
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3/4/2008 1:47:54 PM
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3/4/2008 1:47:54 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2008 0303
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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: February 20, 2008 <br />To: City Council Sh',o~;reline -Marina Committee <br />From: Steve Hollister~~A~sistant City Manager <br />By: Cynthia Battenberg~Assistant to the City Manager <br />Subject: DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT TEAM REVIEW AND SELECTION <br />PROCESS - RFQ FOR MASTER DEVELOPER SUBMITTALS <br />Six responses were received from development teams interested in the Shoreline-Marina Area <br />opportunity site. Staff performed a preliminary review of the submittals and determined that one <br />team, DEW Partners from Brooklyn, New York, had no development experience and, therefore, <br />was not qualified for this important and complex development project. The five remaining teams <br />.appear to meet the minimum qualifications. <br />In order to evaluate the submittals, a process is being recommended in which staff interviews the <br />remaining five teams using the following criteria included in the RFQ and previously agreed <br />upon by the Committee. The weight of each score is included in parerithesis. <br />• Quality of development team and experience (20) <br />• Experience developing restaurants and hotels (10) <br />• Demonstrated success financing and developing waterfront projects (5) <br />• Demonstrated ability working on a successful public-private development project <br />involving new construction (15) <br />• Experience worlting with communities on highly political development projects (20) <br />• Willingness to participate in the funding of technical studies (5) <br />• Vision Statement (10) <br />• Ability to manage projects within schedule and budget (10) <br />• Reference checks (5) <br />Staff would score each development team on the criteria using the following qualitative values - <br />Inadequate, Deficient, Qualified, Good, and Exceptional. Blended score for each team, <br />considering a weighted value for each of the criteria, would then be established. This method of <br />rating is being recommended as it enables qualitative analysis and provides the ability to quantify <br />each submittal in order to systematically and fairly recommend a development team. <br />It is also recommended that the Mayor appoint a two member task force to assist in the selection <br />process. Staff would bring a detailed report,. including a recommendation, to the task force. The <br />task force could then interview the recommended development team, providing the task force the <br />
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