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3A Public Hearing 2008 0219 Supplement
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Packet 2008 0219
3A Public Hearing 2008 0219 Supplement
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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building. It is the hope of generating that vastly higher level of traffic which has motivated the <br />unreasonable discrimination against this religious use. In truth, the traffic access to Catalina <br />Court is superb. <br />General Plan Inconsistency <br />There are several General Plan policies that pertain to the introduction of an assembly use in the <br />industrial areas that were not included in the Assembly Use Overlay District. <br />Specifically, General Plan Policy 7.09 states the following: <br />West San Leandro Business District. Build upon the locational strengths and transportation <br />features of West San Leandro to support the area's continued development as a major industrial, <br />technology, and office employment center. In accordance with the West San Leandro Plan, limit <br />the encroachment of incompatible residential and retail uses in to the area, and promote <br />additional development and redevelopment with manufacturing, technology, warehouse and <br />distribution, office/flex, and similar uses. <br />Residential and retail uses are incompatible with light industrial, because they displace the <br />buildings with structures that cannot go back to light industrial uses. There is much experience <br />with church use of light industrial buildings in which the flex -office use comes back in when the <br />church use moves on. <br />General Plan Policy 10.04 states the following: <br />Industrial Sanctuary. Protect the City's major industrial areas from encroachment by uses that <br />are potentially incompatible with existing viable industrial activities, or which may inhibit the <br />ability of industry to operate effectively. <br />1. As described elsewhere, church uses are synergistic to light industrial areas and improve <br />their viability. <br />2. There is not enough demand for church space to displace more than a tiny fraction of <br />warehouse/flex office space in San Leandro. <br />General Plan Policy 13.01 states the following: <br />Decision -Making. Ensure that future land use and development decisions are in balance with the <br />capacity of the City's transportation system. <br />The church use generates far less peak period traffic than most permitted uses in the IP District. <br />Each of these General Plan policies identifies the importance of a cohesive, functioning <br />industrial district in the City of San Leandro and more particularly in the West San Leandro <br />Business District in which the property is located. These policies also recognize the disruption <br />that incompatible land uses could cause in the continued effectiveness of San Leandro's <br />BZA Staff Report December 6, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00013 Page 8 of 11 <br />
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