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not occur until these studies were concluded, circulated for the required review period, and certified <br />or approved as adequate by appropriate City decision makers. <br />Applicant Recommendation: <br />You are being asked to vote for findings that are not true, and not supported. The Board has a right <br />to insist that its Staff provide compelling reasons that the proposed use is actually incompatible with <br />the light industrial uses on Catalina Court. You are also being asked to make a bad planning <br />decision, prolonging the church at a dysfunctional location, and denying it a highly functional <br />location. Your vote makes a difference because if the proposed denial is upheld, there will be no <br />viable location within San Leandro for a substantial community of your citizens to worship. <br />Freedom of expression as set forth in the First Amendment is our most basic American value, and if <br />you don't stand up for that value now, it will be deeply impaired in San Leandro. <br />Applicant's Proposed Findings: <br />1. On-site and available on -street parking are sufficient to provide for parking needs of the <br />church, given that Sunday morning is the only time parking demand would exceed on-site <br />parking. <br />2. Traffic impacts from the church are negligible compared to most permitted uses on the site. <br />a. Traffic peaks occur on Sunday morning when industrial traffic is almost non- <br />existent. <br />b. Farallon Avenue has sufficient width and a middle left tum lane sufficient to <br />safely handle access at Farallon Avenue and Catalina Court. Farallon Avenue <br />connects to arterials with good access the freeway and major streets within San <br />Leandro. <br />3. The church use is an assembly use which has use characteristics of the same nature as <br />several uses permitted within the IP District, including entertainment activity and <br />commercial recreation. Exclusion of the proposed church would impose or implement a <br />land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious assembly or institution on less than <br />equal terms with a nonreligious assembly or institution. <br />4. The church use is consistent with the applicable provisions of the General Plan in that <br />church uses are synergistic and compatible with light industrial uses. <br />5. Staff is asked to bring back appropriate documents consistent with these findings to allow <br />the Board to consider approval of the proposed conditional use permit. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Vicinity Map <br />Applicant Statement and supplemental information <br />Recommended Findings of Fact <br />Exhibit A — Site Plan (A1) <br />Exhibit B — Proposed Floor Plans (A2) <br />Aerial Photograph of Property <br />BZA Staff Report December 6, 2007 <br />PLN2007-00013 Page 10 of ll <br />