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Mid-Year Adjustments Fiscal Year 2007-2008 <br />Resolution 2008 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO schedule B <br />FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 <br />RECOMMENDED BUDGET AD7USTMENTS <br />Amount <br />MEASURE B/ACTIA FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />Adjust Revenue Estimates for Reimbursable Projects $ 6,726,091 <br />Total Revenue Adjustments $ 6,726,091 <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Increase Funding for Bay Trail Slough Bridge Project $ (800,000) <br />Total Expenditure Adjustments $ (800,000) <br />Total Increase to Projected Fund Balance $ 5,926,091 <br />HERON BAY MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT FUND <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Close Accounts and Return Funds to Fund Balance $ 2,730 <br />Funding for EMBUD and PGE Expenses 7,100 <br />Total Decrease in Expenditures and <br />Increase to Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 9,830 <br />AFTER SCHOOL EDUCATION & SAFETY PROGRAM CASES) FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />Increase funding for the ASES Program at Monroe School <br />Total Increase to Revenues and <br />Increase to Projected Ending Fund Balance <br />HOME FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />Adjust Revenue Estimate for Reimbursable Projects <br />Total Increase in Revenues and <br />Increase to Projected Ending Fund Balance <br />$ 70,444 <br />$ 70,444 <br />$ 1,246,298 ~ <br />$ 1,246,298 <br />Page 2 <br />