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ranks 46th out of 50 states in per-pupil spending -still leaving California schools about <br />$1,900 below the national average; and <br />WHEREAS, the Governor's budget plan contradicts his own educational panel, which <br />recommends a new school funding formula that would need to add an additional $6 <br />billion to public education; and <br />WHEREAS, California has established some of the most rigorous academic standards in <br />the nation, and the caseloads its school librarians, counselors, nurses, classified workers, <br />and administrators are assigned are among the highest and its classrooms among the most <br />crowded in the nation; and <br />WHEREAS, California's more than six million public school students deserve schools <br />that are safe, clean, vibrant centers of learning in which each student receives a quality <br />education and acquires the skills necessary, to succeed in college or the workplace; and <br />WHEREAS, the teachers, counselors, school librarians, nurses, clerical, custodians, <br />maintenance workers and other staff, principals and administrators of California's public <br />schools are professionals that have dedicated their lives to the education of the children of <br />our state and deserve our respect and support; and <br />WHEREAS, The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in a recent news <br />conference, called Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts to education <br />"a hostile act" and predicted that California educators would receive a record number of <br />pink slips and lay-off notices under the plan; and <br />WHEREAS, Governor Schwarzenegger has already slashed $506 million from public <br />education in the current fiscal year and a proposed $4.8 billion reduction from the state's <br />2008-09 education budget in the form of across-the board reductions and cuts to special <br />education and before- and after-school programs; and <br />WHEREAS, a $4.8 billion cut to K-12th grade education would reduce spending <br />statewide thereby necessitating the termination of thousands of teachers statewide, <br />resulting in more crowded classrooms and the loss of art, music and sports programs, <br />sharp reduction of support systems for students provided by counselors, administrators, <br />paraprofessional and other classified staff, and elimination of positions held by <br />custodians and other workers that maintain and ensure the cleanliness and safety of our <br />public schools; and <br />WHEREAS, the Governor's proposed budget reductions are in direct opposition to his <br />"year of education," as well as, contradictory and harmful to the state's mandated goal of <br />improving student achievement, at a time when our students are making progress toward <br />meeting rigorous state and federal education standards; and <br />