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CitySLzUSD Liaison Highlights 2008 0228
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CitySLzUSD Liaison Highlights 2008 0228
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3/13/2008 11:13:52 AM
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3/13/2008 11:13:52 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2008 0317
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February 15, 2008 <br />Educating for Success <br />4 <br />San Lorenzo Unified School District Staff: <br />As I am sure you have all been following the Governor's budget proposal; I want to share <br />si"~~'ess with you the latest information as we understand it. You need to know that this memo is <br />not unique and all Alameda County Superintendents are sending similar memos to alert <br />SAN LORENZO educators across the county and our individual districts. I also want to inform you that our <br />UNIFIED staff has now had some time to analyze the potential fiscal impact to our district. <br />SCHOOL DISTRICT <br />In less than twelve months after declaring 2008 "The Year of Education", Governor <br />t55~o usher Street Schwarzenegger now proposes $4.8 billion in cuts to education funding statewide. If the <br />san Lorenzo, cA sasao Governor's proposal goes through without changes, and with our declining enrollment, it <br />~5to~ sn-asoo could reduce the SLZUSD income by approximately $6 million for the 2008-09 school <br />years. <br /> <br />This is so severe that it means that we are anticipating operating on $4 million less than <br />this current year. In addition, the proposal would also reduce this current year's income <br />BOARD OF by an additional $350,000. <br />EDUCATION <br />Norman D. Fobdrt As you are aware, our staff step and column advancement increases our District's <br />President expenditures by $13 million and we can anticipate increased operating expenses, due to <br />Gene Judson inflation (e.g. utilities, insurance, and retiree benefits). So as you can see, the Governor's <br />Vice President/Clerk <br />proposal does not even fund our basic maintenance. In any case, we will need to reduce <br />Helen Kay Foster our current budget by millions of dollars, to achieve a balanced budget for fiscal year <br />Isabel Polvorosa 2008/09. <br />Helen T. Randall <br />For fiscal year 2008/09 almost all districts across the state will receive less honey to <br />operate than in the prior year. Recognizing that school districts were expecting to receive <br />SUPERINTENDRNT the statutory cost of living adjustment increase of about 4.9°Io, the Governor's proposal <br />Dr. Dennis D. Byas Will now provide significantly less. Further, in discussions with the state's financial <br />experts, we are told that we should possibly prepare for this situation to continue for the <br />next two to three years. <br />ASSOCIATE If the proposed slashing tactics to fix the budget prevails, it will significantly reduce <br />SueERINTENDENT funding in districts across the state. Across the board, districts would face layoffs of <br />Lawrence P. Maniscalco teachers and staff, and almost all districts will suffer ma~or roQram reductions. <br />Educational Services ~ p b <br />What is regrettable is that for us to provide a balanced budget, we are at risk of losing <br />many of the student programs and services, which provide the necessary support for <br />ASSISTANT children to be successful. It is many of these programs that have enticed students to our <br />SUPERINTENDENT District and the encompassing community of the SLZUSD. <br />Lowell Shira, Ph.D. <br />Business Services <br />Currently, the Governor's proposal is being analyzed, and over the next few months the <br />snaron ~. Lampel Legislature will work with the Governor to identif other solutions to the State's fiscal <br />Personnel5ervices o y <br />crisis. In May, updated economic factors are used to adjust the budget proposal (the "May <br />Revise"), and a final budget is supposed to be approved by June 30. During this same <br />period of time, the SLZUSD Business Office, led by Dr. Lowell Shira, will continue to <br />meet with management, union leadership, district volunteers, and community members to <br />balance our budget It is our goal to continue to work with our employee associations <br />
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