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5. Project Updates <br />o City received an MTC grant to do a study at San Leandro Boulevard, West Broadmoor, <br />Apricot and Park. Keith Cooke showed a map of the area. We are proposing a median to <br />narrow the wide asphalt area and to better direct traffic. A community meeting will be <br />held with Oakland and San Leandro residents. <br />o Timothy Traffic Safety Concerns - A project to reduce the "sideshow" activities on <br />Timothy south of the residential area is proposed. Recycled rubber bumpers will be used <br />as a temporary measure to direct and restrict traffic in this area. Staff is currently <br />purchasing the materials which will be installed by April or May. <br />o Pedestrian Signs at Westgate -Staff will install more signs to highlight the crosswalk at <br />the Timothy intersection. Keith Cooke showed a photo of the signs. A question was <br />asked if the word CAUTION could be added. Signs must follow federal and state <br />guidelines. <br />6. Discussion Regarding Future Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Dates <br />Committee members agreed to keep the current meeting day and time. <br />7. Public Comments <br />None <br />8. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Souza mentioned that the new striping in front of the Chin property during <br />the rain is not visible. Staff responded that it will be slurry sealed so the old marks do not <br />show through. <br />Councilmember Starosciak gave a PowerPoint Presentation entitled: Ugly Power Lines in <br />San Leandro, or What's going on? Photos were taken February 20, 2008. Comcast and <br />AT&T have trucks around town and are installing new lines in town. It is having a negative <br />impact. Ugly black lines are impacting our quality of life. It is visual blight. She showed <br />photos of various locations around town. It will impact our property values. Comcast will be <br />coming to the next meeting in March, as will AT&T and PG&E. <br />Mayor Santos asked staff to look at the intersections of Olive at Central and Central at Nabor <br />for possible traffic stopping like that planned for Timothy. Some curbs were just painted on <br />Nabor, but those are for sight visibility. Keith Cooke will check on the curb painting on <br />Nabor. <br />9. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m. <br />