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EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT <br />This Memorandum of Understanding will become effective on the date that the last signature on <br />this document is signed. <br />TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />Initial Term. The term of this agreement is for five (5) years, beginning on the date that the last <br />signature on this document is signed. <br />This agreement maybe modified by mutual written consent. It also maybe terminated in writing <br />by either party giving the other party written notification of their intent to terminate the <br />agreement no later than 30 days prior to such termination. The USFWS is not obligated to <br />remove all California sea-Mite at the end of the MOU or upon termination of the MOU. <br />AGREEMENT <br />l.) The City agrees to participate voluntarily with the USFWS in an effort to recover the <br />endangered California sea-Mite at Robert's Landing, Alameda County, California, as <br />described: <br />These efforts include allowing limited access to USFWS, their contractors, and <br />volunteers, solely for purposes of reintroducing California sea-Mite to a portion of its <br />historic range and for conducting research, status surveys, and monitoring actions to <br />ensure its success in the wild, as described in the 2006 California Sea-Mite (Suaeda <br />californica) Reintroduction Plan, San Francisco, California (Attachment A). <br />Reintroduction is planned to occur along the high beach, above normal tides. No site <br />preparation is currently indicated, but some local removal of Salsola soda seedlings (if <br />present) may be prudent in a minimum 2 meter radius around transplants. Transplant <br />sites should avoid areas occupied byDistichlis. Intense storm overwash may destroy <br />young transplants, so founder population transplanting should be phased over two years. <br />Five transplanted colonies, each composed of at least three genetic individuals plants <br />each (up to 5 each: minimum total 15, maximum 45) should be reintroduced in the first <br />year. At least one colony should be located at the south end of the beach, in the <br />transitional area between open sand washover/beach habitat and closed high marsh <br />vegetation and dense wracks on stabilized beach ridges. If first-year transplants survive <br />by the beginning of the second growing season, additional colonies should be <br />transplanted to meet a total founder population size of 40 to 50 plants. <br />USFWS agrees to coordinate volunteers for, and conduct initial planting and routine <br />maintenance and monitoring, as described in the 2006 California Sea-Mite (Suaeda <br />californica) Reintroduction Plan, San Francisco, California (Attachment A). <br />