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Mid-Year Adjustments Fiscal Year 2007-2008 <br />Resolution 2008 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO Schedule B <br />FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 <br />RECOMMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS <br />Amount <br />INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />Funding from General Fund to IMS Fund for Eden CAFR Module <br />Total Increase in Revenues <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />Funding for Purchase and Installation of the Eden CAFR Module for Finance <br />Funding for Telephone Replacement Project <br />Total Increase in Expenditures <br />Total Change to Projected Ending Fund Balance <br />SPECIAL GRANTS FUND <br />Revenue Budget Adjustments: <br />MTC Grant for the Bay Trail Bike and Ped Slough Bridge <br />Increase Revenue Projects for Reimbursable Projects <br />Grant from Office of Traffic Safety for Sobriety Check Points <br />Grant for Washington Avenue/Estabrook St. Intersection Improvements <br />Grant from Office of Traffic Safety for Speed Feedback Signs <br />LSTA Grant Funding for Library ELF Programing <br />Total Increase in Revenues <br />Expenditure Budget Adjustments: <br />MTC Grant for the Bay Trail Bike and Ped Slough Bridge <br />Intime Scheduling Software -Police Department <br />Speedshift Training -Police Department <br />Sobriety Check Points - 10/1/07 to 09/04/08 <br />Washington Avenue/Estabrook St. Intersection Improvements <br />Speed Feedback Sign Project <br />$ 20,000 <br />$ 20,000 <br />$ (20,000) ~ <br />(185,000) <br />$ (205,000) <br />$ (185,000) <br />$ 750,000 <br />3,068,431 <br />20,456 <br />419,220 <br />126,000 <br />23,190 <br />$ 4,407,297 <br />$ (750,000) <br />(10,500) <br />(6,000) <br />(20,456) <br />(419,220) <br />(126,000) <br />Page 4 <br />