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MINUTES Page 14 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-March 3, 2008 <br />3. Shoreline-Marina Committee Meeting of February 26, 2008. Accepted as <br />submitted. <br />Recommendation for City Council Consideration: <br />a. Schedule a Work Session in March on harbor dredging. <br />By consensus, the City Council approved this recommendation. <br />b. Schedule approval of the development team selection criteria and timeline <br />and authorization of the City Manager to enter into a consultant services <br />agreement with Keyser Marston for financial analysis of the Shoreline- <br />Marina Area development and concepts. <br />Public Comments on Item ll.C.3.a: <br />Michael Cook, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council <br />regarding the recent Godbe survey, which indicated that 70% of the <br />respondents surveyed are in favor of preserving the Marina and shoreline, <br />and 49% were willing to pay for it. Mr. Cook requested that the Council <br />listen to ideas presented by the developer, and put those ideas requiring <br />funding before the voters. <br />End of Public Comments on Item ll.C.3.a <br />Councilmember Souza asked whether the Council would have the <br />opportunity to review the Requests for Qualifications (RFQs). Mr. Jermanis <br />indicated that the RFQs could be sent to the Council. Staff will screen the <br />RFQs based on the established criteria, and the top developers will be <br />interviewed by a two-member task force of the Shoreline-Marina <br />Committee. Councilmember Souza expressed concern with the process, <br />stating that she felt the full Council should be more involved in such a big <br />decision, which would have a huge impact on the entire city and be subject <br />to a great deal of public scrutiny. Councilmember Souza pointed out that <br />the majority of the Council would take responsibility for the fmal decision, <br />based on limited review and input, and without benefit of interviewing the <br />developers. <br />Mr. Jermanis noted that the Council has provided the criteria for which the <br />RFQs will be screened. <br />Vice Mayor Grant recalled the previous process for Marina development. <br />She asked why the process and schedule is being hurried, and whether <br />additional time can be allowed so that the normal process can be followed. <br />Mr. Jermanis indicated that staff was attempting to move the process along. <br />On March 24, a Council work session is planned to discuss the status of the <br />harbor dredging, and the Council can choose to discuss the process for <br />